This thread serves no real purpose other than to record that it is the 1,000th thread on the Chit Chat forum. Thanks to all contributors, it's been good chatting
This thread serves no real purpose other than to record that it is the 1,000th thread on the Chit Chat forum. Thanks to all contributors, it's been good chatting
I've just joined Alcoholics Anonymous - I still drink, just under a different name.
This response serves no purpose other than to repsond to the 1000th thread on the Chit Chat forum.
This response serves no purpose other than to ask how did you know it was the 1000th?
From the home of the kebab of doom
This response serves no purpose other than to thank Millay and to back out of the room shamefaced for never having noticed that before.
Crossste post number 20,914 in Chit Chat.
From the home of the kebab of doom