Visit the a swift one site

Should you be visiting Huddersfield by train in the next four days you will probably be amazed to find outside the station a small town all by itself as the Huddersfield Food & Drink Festival opens its doors for business.

There is a mass of small tents, (I am told its ok to call these tents !), selling everything from cheese to venison, from honey to curries and plenty of other things in between.

Our local pubs and breweries have not been overlooked either as stalls from The Star, The Sportsman and The Kings Head rub shoulders with those from the Nook, Little Valley and Elland, some selling real ale, some selling bottles.

So,if you have a bit of time on your hands, get down there and have a wander around St Georges Sq, I am sure you will not be disappointed.

The festival runs though until Sunday, with late night opening on Friday and Saturday.
