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Thread: Beer of the Week (w/e 16 January 2011)

  1. #1
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Default Beer of the Week (w/e 16 January 2011)

  2. #2


    Not a bad week this week with the choice from my regular tipple of Oakham Bishop's Farewell, which always takes a bit of beating, St Austell Proper Job, a very pleasant surprise at a well balanced 4.5%, 99 Red Baboons from the always excellent Blue Monkey and my BOTW Sadlers Winter Spice, light in colour but wintery in flavour - heavy with spices and flavoursome at 4.7%.

  3. #3
    I'll stay on me own Alesonly's Avatar
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    No very thin week for me only had a chance for a few pints again this week as work calls. Few pints of St Austell Tribute & a few Pints Adnams Broadside and a few Pints of Abbots Reserve I would go for the Adnams Broadside as Beer of the week as I don't often see it around here.
    Adnams Broadside
    Don't You just hate Pubs that say
    ( We don't stock any Real Ales as theres Just no call for it.)

  4. #4
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    Only a few pints this week (got one of those bloody bugs that are doing the rounds) enlivened by the traditional pub game of "Wind up the dipsy new Barmaid"
    A couple of exellent pints of Acorn Winter Pale Ale and Elland Old Gimmer , followed by a couple of ropey pints , Gertie Sweet New World Pale and Black Country BFG .
    BOTW Acorn Winter Pale Ale
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  5. #5
    We're not really 'ere! trainman's Avatar
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    First pub visit since 23Dec (!!) unearthed O'Hanlons Port Stout at Croydon's George. Although I only had a half, it beat other notables, incl Jaipur, for the gong.

    Subsequent arrival at Shirley Rd Cricketers found a decent little selection, but the quality was poor.

  6. #6
    Pub researcher (unpaid) rpadam's Avatar
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    Had a couple of days in Manchester, visiting some interesting pubs but finding mostly undistinguished beer. However, my beer of the week is Red Castle Cream (4.7%) from Newmans Brewery in Caerphilly in the rather unlikely surroundings of the charmless Piccadilly pub.

  7. #7
    I'll stay on me own runningdog's Avatar
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    A porter week, two new to me, the other an old, former, favourite. Butcombe Old Vic started it, I didn't even know they did dark beers but this is a bit of alright. It's 4.8, drinks 4.2, could be dangerous. Next up, in a totally unexpected pub, the Three Legged Cross, about a mile down the road from home. White Horse's Dark Horse Porter is 5.0, black as a deep hole and very moreish.
    The third porter was Ringwood's, very disappointing, I've not had a decent pint this time round. Getting a bit worried about the Marstons influence.
    Other good beers over the last week were Cotley Long-Eared Owl, Ringwood Forty-niner and Courage Directors.
    The Dark Horse wins BotW hands down..........

    Ps...If any of you who know this area and are puzzled by the whereabouts of the Three Legged Cross, it's the Old Barn Farm after a facelift and quite inexplicable, name change
    Pubs are a hobby, real ale is a passion. Oh, and like me dogs, fear no evil..........

  8. #8
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    Usual suspects mainly this week but a very nice few pints of Oakham JHB sunk this PM. Next week should be a dark 'un from the NWAF

  9. #9
    This Space For Hire gillhalfpint's Avatar
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    Can't believe I haven't been out for a drink since New Year's Day, so no beer to nominate this week. I will be having some at NWAF next week though, and am hoping I have my taste buds back for then. Doubt we will get there Wednesday, but should get in for Thursday and spend Friday and Saturday round the local pubs. Lots of fests around from Wednesday round the Northern Quarter and some at New Oxford and Crescent too.

  10. #10
    This Space For Hire Pubsignman's Avatar
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    I'd not managed to make it out to the pub this year until Friday's 7-pub crawl of Colchester which unearthed a few good beers. Highlights were Mighty Oak Oscar Wilde, Batemans Mild, Green Jack Norfolk Black and the ever reliable Crouch Vale Brewer's Gold.

    But BOTW goes to Adnams Tally Ho in the British Grenadier, which I didn't realise until I took the first sip, is 7%, making it an interesting choice for my opening beer of the crawl!

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