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Thread: Beer of the Week (w/e 2nd February 2025)

  1. #1
    Roving RAT ROBCamra's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default Beer of the Week (w/e 2nd February 2025)

    A pub is for life not just for Christmas

  2. #2
    This Space For Hire
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Out West


    Only one real complaint:

    ELB - Bedrock **½
    Flack’s - New Forest
    Harvey’s - Sussex Best **½
    Newbarns - Henok’s Mild **½
    Portobello - Market Porter **½
    Portobello - Sauce on the Side **½
    St Austell - Proper Job **½
    Southwark - Clink **
    Southwark - Hop Opus **½
    Timothy Taylor - Landlord **½
    Twickenham - Naked Ladies **½
    Twickenham - Onyx **½
    Wimbledon - Copper Leaf **½

    BOTW goes to Burning Sky - Dignified & Old **¾ at The Barrel Vault (JD Wetherspoon)

  3. #3
    This Space For Hire Wittenden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Weald of Kent



    Iron Pier-Heritage 19th. Century Porter 5.1%abv. Toasty dry Porter:very bitter.Based on a Victorian Recipe-I wonder if my Grandfathers would have recognised it?

    Goacher's-Fine Light Ale 3.7%abv.Slight haze,marmalade goodness.

    My BOTW-Iron Pier Nineteenth Century Porter.
    "At that moment I would have given a kingdom, not for champagne or hock and soda, or hot coffee but for a glass of beer" Marquess Curzon of Kedlestone, Viceroy of India.

  4. #4
    Still about Mobyduck's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
    Out saving pubs and enjoying it.


    Surrey/Hants/SE London

    Verdant Lightbulb
    Cairngorm Black Gold*
    Wadworth Horizon
    Tiny Rebel Cwtch*
    Deya Steady Rolling Man*
    Roosters Yankee*
    Wantsum Moutere
    Dark Revolution Resolution 24*
    Dark Revolution Reboot*
    Disruption Shadow Of Darkness Gingerbread*
    Siren Sparkle
    Siren Yu Lu
    Blackjack Early Days Northern Porter*
    Brew York Keras

    The Kernel Tropical Stout*
    Siren I Said What I Said*
    Vibrant Forest Elmo*
    Ten Tun Temples Of Mosaic*
    New Bristol Sticky Toffee Pudding & Clotted Cream*

    Some top quality beer this past week, particularly and maybe surprisingly in London, BOTW goes to Deya Steady Rolling Man, the first time I've tried this on cask and was flawless in every way, maybe with the exception of the £6.50 price tag. Taken and greatly enjoyed in The Lucky Anchor Ale House.
    "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."

  5. #5
    This Space For Hire aleandhearty's Avatar
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    West Yorkshire


    Decent week for me, including a lazy Sunday afternoon wander round town, which I've not managed in ages.

    Saltaire - Plums in Tums.
    Little Critters - Little Hopper.
    Oakham - Citra.
    Yorkshire Heart - Black Heart.*
    Salopian - Shropshire Gold.
    Yorkshire Heart - Silver Heart.
    Wensleydale - Kiss from a Rose.*
    North Riding - Mosaic.*
    Chin Chin - Twisted Light.
    Fernandes - Malt Shovel Mild.*
    Rat - Ratatonic.
    Fernandes - Spaced Out.

    Quite a few to choose from, this week, but the Black Heart, on a fresh palate really did the job. Taken in The Black Rock.
    'And where he supped the past lived still. And where he sipped the glass brimmed full' John Barleycorn, Carol Ann Duffy.

  6. #6


    Continuing the lack of variety this year:

    Hop Back Summer Lightening*
    Oakham Bishops Farewell*
    Moongazer Cheeky Jack*
    Barsham Golden Close IPA*

    All very good. BOTW Moongazer Cheeky Jack. Dangerous at 5% as it flies down.
    "Beer is food." Morse, Colin Dexter

  7. #7
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Grand Union


    Three weeks in Thailand and no real ale,as might be expected but some interesting bottled indie beers.

    The main nationally available lagers brands are Leo,Chang and Singha ,the latter at 5% the best IMHO and squaffable in the 660 ml bottle variety,less so on keg.

    Indie beers consumed

    Full Moon -- Cantri IPA
    Chiang Mai -- Chalawan
    Chiang Mai --Ping River Pilsner
    Chiang Mai -- Red Truck
    Brewing Project -- Whale Pale Ale
    Chiang Mai -- Blossom Weizen
    Phuket -- Lager
    Full Moon -- Chalawan Pale
    Full Moon -- Say Play Cold IPA

    Almost always found in bottles,and generally around 5% with a variety of flavours,some exotic. I was reasonably impressed with the offerings above apart from the Phuket Lager made with rice .The most memorable Chiang Mai Red Truck,you dont expect to find a red ale in this part of the world.
    Last edited by Bucking Fastard; 08-02-2025 at 09:19.
    "Good people drink good beer" Hunter S Thompson

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