Looks like the former WhatPub links on Pubs Galore have been updated to take you to the new Camra website - not sure whether that organisation or Dave did this, but it should help future proof things.
Looks like the former WhatPub links on Pubs Galore have been updated to take you to the new Camra website - not sure whether that organisation or Dave did this, but it should help future proof things.
On leaving the bar, I felt a strong blow to the back of my head. Turning round, I discovered it was the pavement
It is part me and part them. I have changed the links so they are no longer to whatpub, but still using the ending that they had on whatpub.
So instead of linking to
We are now pointing to
That then redirects at the CAMRA end to
Hopefully they will keep those links working as presumably the new links will change slightly when the name of the pub changes
For the time being to add links to the site it is best to use the Whatpub link still, as that one should be automatically recognised
This is what I was told by Camra's Pete Horn last September:
"No, the only important thing is ‘WhatPub dot com’ and ‘/PubId’, the ‘/pubs’ bit being optional for WhatPub. In CAMRA CE the /pubs bit will break a PubID link, the format will be camra.org.uk/PubID."
Looks like that change has now been implemented, and what you've done should continue to work.