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Thread: Wrong postal town (Isle of Mull)

  1. #1
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Default Wrong postal town (Isle of Mull)

    Can anyone suggest a solution for this?

    Salen Hotel is on the Isle of Mull, with a postcode PA72 6JL. But its postal town is given as Bishopton, which is in postcode area PA7. So it looks like at some stage the postcode has maybe been input with a digit missing, but then correcting that digit has not resulted in the postal town changing to either Craignure or Tobermory.

    The same thing has happpened with Glenforsa Hotel PA72 6JW, so perhaps it's not an input error but a quirk of the postcode system. Does anyone know about this?

    Also today I added a pub at Fionnphort, also on Mull PA66 6BL - this one has a postal town not far from Bishopton: Johnstone, in postcode area PA5. I created a new area of Isle of Mull for this new entry, but it is not possible to add the other pubs on the island to the same group as they are all in different postal towns.

    Any suggestions?
    Come On You Hatters!

  2. #2
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post
    I created a new area of Isle of Mull for this new entry, but it is not possible to add the other pubs on the island to the same group as they are all in different postal towns.
    OK, here's a link to a list of postcode areas:

    Within each area is a list of postal towns:

    Surprisingly, there are 14 different postcodes in the Isle of Mull.

    Surpise number two is that Isle of Mull is actually a postal town:

    As an experiment I have just tried adding a pub on the Isle of Iona: the St Columba Hotel. This has a PA76 postcode, and like the one at Salen I mentioned earlier today, which was PA72, the default selection for the postal town is Bishopton. Looking at the pick list, there is an option to choose a blank rather than the default, but when clicking on "add pub" an error message pops up: "town must be selected".

    Looking at other pubs on Isle of Mull, some have Tobermory as postal town, the one in Craignure village has Craignure as its postal town, so there seems to have been an option previously to write in a postal town, or the pick list was once more extensive, or just different. As it stands at the moment, it seems that there is something in the coding that causes a search for PA76 or PA72 to be called off, and PA7 to be selected (PA7 is Bishopton). In the case of the pub at Fionnphort that I added today, the postcode was PA66, but the programme has gone for PA6 (Johnstone).

    Late eye-opener: there is also a pick list for counties in the add pub facility. This gives a different pick-list of postal towns. Tobermory (the largest settlement on Mull) is on the Highland picklist. (Coincidentally, so is Acharacle - albeit misspelt as Archaracle! - which is a village in Lochaber near another Salen, which also has a Salen Hotel.) And so is Craignure.

    I want to add two pubs on Iona, so could do with an Isle of Iona postal town option. Likewise, the pubs on Mull (there's only about half a dozen) could do with being in an Isle of Mull postal town. If possible, it would be nice to have a fix or a work around. I'm planning for a visit to Mull and Iona next May or June, so there's no rush.
    Come On You Hatters!

  3. #3
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post
    Late eye-opener: there is also a pick list for counties in the add pub facility. This gives a different pick-list of postal towns. Tobermory (the largest settlement on Mull) is on the Highland picklist. (Coincidentally, so is Acharacle - albeit misspelt as Archaracle! - which is a village in Lochaber near another Salen, which also has a Salen Hotel.)
    I have now added the second Salen Hotel, but because of the pick-list typo it is in the postal town of Archaracle. Is there any way this can be fixed?
    Come On You Hatters!

  4. #4
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for having a look at my postcodes problem. (And I see that the typo in Acharacle has also been fixed. )

    The pubs I mentioned that had previously been assigned to mainland postal towns are now back on the Isle of Mull.

    Just a couple of inconsistencies:

    The area of Craignure village is in the postal town of Craignure in Highland. But on clicking through to the only open pub, it is in the postal town of Isle of Mull in Strathclyde. (Apologies if you are in the process of fixing this still and I have caught you while taking a well-earned rest. )

    Looking at the county maps, the Isle of Mull (as with the Isle of Skye) is greyed out if we look at the (green) Highland map; but on the Strathclyde map they are both shown (in pink) as being in Highland (while the Isle of Arran is greyed out on the green Strathclyde map but clearly in the pink of Strathclyde when seen from Highland - sorry this sounds confusing, but if you open the two maps on neighbouring tabs and toggle between them it will hopefully make sense).

    Hope this is fairly simple to fix!
    Come On You Hatters!

  5. #5
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    I have now added the St Columba Hotel on the Isle of Iona, but because it is in the postal town of Isle of Mull, this is also in Strathclyde rather than Highland, so will need to be moved along with the other Isle of Mull hotels.
    Come On You Hatters!

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