Yes, a spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel) is almost certainly the answer, but that needn't be complicated after you've taken the plunge!
In its simplest form, you just need a column for each attribute you want to record, e.g.
- Pub name
- Post town
- Locality
- Rating
- Owner
- Date of visit
- Description
That's just typing, but the key is to apply filters to all columns (which is a one-time action just requiring a couple of clicks, covered by the online help function).
This will help you get lists of whatever you want, for example:
- All pubs with the same name, e.g. Red Lion
- All pubs in the same post town (e.g. Dudley) or locality (e.g. Sedgeley)
- All pubs with the same rating(s), e.g. everything rated 8 or above
- All pubs run by the same owner, e.g. Wetherspoon or Black Country Ales
- All pubs visited on the same day, month or year
- Any combination of the above
To start off with, I would suggest just starting with ten or 20 pubs to experiment with and get things set up as you want before launching into the 15-year backlog!
You can also add any other columns you might want to filter on, e.g. micropubs, taprooms, closed pubs or whatever.
Another enhancement might be to make the pub name a link to take you directly to the Pubs Galore page, but start simple and add features as you go.
Hope that helps, and good luck!