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It's been a good week. The weather has held off, meaning that I've managed to take the sheds down. It's not been easy to keep them in good nick - every single piece of wood had rot and woodworm. EVERY PIECE! To take it down I put in 2 props, took out all the uprights holding the roof (complete with 3" soil & plants) then tapped the props out. Worked like a treat: But, now it's down, the wood cleared away and a nice large space ready for foundations to be dug out. Some of the digging had already been done, and part of the shed already had foundation laid so a couple of days at the most should see it ready for concrete. What this means is that, depending on the weather, I could have the brew house up by the end of the month. I'll have to dig like a demon though - sump pump, drain and water line all go through the garden and need to be buried. I'm sure it's going to be worth it.

In other news, we're in the Publican this week, who have done a feature on the ale and literature festival. I've started thinking about next years - everyone seems happy to come back and do it again, and I've had offers of more writers and the help of a festival organiser for next year! First priority is definitely the brewery at the moment though.

