Finished up on 316 for the year - a bit down on target but pretty good given my problems in the spring. It looks like I shall lose my southern base shortly so more emphasis on the north (and possibly Scotland) this year.
Finished up on 316 for the year - a bit down on target but pretty good given my problems in the spring. It looks like I shall lose my southern base shortly so more emphasis on the north (and possibly Scotland) this year.
On leaving the bar, I felt a strong blow to the back of my head. Turning round, I discovered it was the pavement
259 for me, which is my biggest tally since 2016 when I did one more, finishing on 260.
Didn't expect 2024 to be a strong year, but a few things combined to make it quite productive, including a short break in Lancashire/Cheshire in January that bagged me 54 pubs in less than a week, and efforts to watch more non league football that's taken me to some mid sized towns that I'd otherwise never have made it to.
2025 might be a bit slower though, as I should be moving house next month, so there's bound to be a drop off to sort all of that out.