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Thread: The next Pubsgalore Crawl in 2024.

  1. #1
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    Default The next Pubsgalore Crawl in 2024.

    Where would you like to go for a crawl ? Given there wasn't a "southern crawl" in 2023 ,can I suggest Cardiff for the next one.We have got some time to discuss this crawl wherever it will be ,are there any other suggestions ? The same applies to dates where up to 14 options can be polled for. When and where seems to be the question that needs answering.
    "Good people drink good beer" Hunter S Thompson

  2. #2
    I'll stay on me own Gann's Avatar
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    I dont have a problem with Cardiff.

    But I am concious the next one should be in the Midlands, as its not the Midlands fault that British rail buggered up Cambridge..

    So i personally woyld be perfectly happy with the Midlands and if I have got this right the choices last time were
    1) Burton upon Trent
    2) Stoke (aka the Five Towns: Tunstall, Burslem, Hanley, Stoke and Longton)
    3) Kings Lynn
    4) Lincoln
    5) Lichfield & Tamworth
    6) Peterborough
    7) Newark

    With Burton as the clear winner. So I would not have an issue if we also chose whichever of the also rans finished second in that particular poll.. (which unfortunately I cant seem to find at the mo...)
    By the way I cant believe it was Kings Lynn but if it was I've visited since and found it difficult to get to and bloody disapointing when you did, so i would put a line through that one.
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  3. #3
    It wasn't me Quinno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gann View Post
    I dont have a problem with Cardiff.

    But I am concious the next one should be in the Midlands, as its not the Midlands fault that British rail buggered up Cambridge..

    So i personally woyld be perfectly happy with the Midlands and if I have got this right the choices last time were
    1) Burton upon Trent
    2) Stoke (aka the Five Towns: Tunstall, Burslem, Hanley, Stoke and Longton)
    3) Kings Lynn
    4) Lincoln
    5) Lichfield & Tamworth
    6) Peterborough
    7) Newark

    With Burton as the clear winner. So I would not have an issue if we also chose whichever of the also rans finished second in that particular poll.. (which unfortunately I cant seem to find at the mo...)
    By the way I cant believe it was Kings Lynn but if it was I've visited since and found it difficult to get to and bloody disapointing when you did, so i would put a line through that one.
    Having done the Lynn myself around the same time as Gann, I'm not sure it's really worth the bother of a whole day's trip, despite one exceptional club and a couple of good pubs - I voted for it last time as I knew nothing of the place and I like to explore. Think Ely would be a better bet on that line but there's plenty else to choose from above.

    Stoke's great but takes a fair bit of planning and a stern leader on the day to keep everyone whipped as buses will be involved.

  4. #4
    Still about Mobyduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gann View Post
    I dont have a problem with Cardiff.

    But I am concious the next one should be in the Midlands, as its not the Midlands fault that British rail buggered up Cambridge..
    By the same token it's not the Souths fault British Rail Buggered up Cambridge (which is nearly Midlands anyway) either, British rail are good at buggering up everything. I personally feel we should stick with the same pattern, South, Midlands , North, be it Cardiff or elsewhere.
    Last edited by Mobyduck; 09-10-2023 at 20:45.
    "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."

  5. #5


    Hello folks. I wasn't going to give much more input on here any more but can I just say Wales are playing chase the egg at home on 3rd February and 10th and 16th of March. Also Cheltenham Gold Cup racing is Friday 15th March so crazy trains from both London and the north .

  6. #6
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobyduck View Post
    By the same token it's not the Souths fault British Rail Buggered up Cambridge (which is nearly Midlands anyway) either, British rail are good at buggering up everything. I personally feel we should stick with the same pattern, South, Midlands, North, be it Cardiff or elsewhere.
    Is there a South, Midlands, North pattern? I know we have tried to vary it in the past, and the suggestion was made that having a summer crawl in the Mediterranean region south of England was somewhat foolhardy.

    By the same token, I would want to avoid a northern venue if it was early spring or late autumn. But sometimes it's someone's turn and we have to cope with whatever the weather turns out to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mobyduck View Post
    ... Cambridge (which is nearly Midlands anyway)
    East, I reckon. #geographygalore
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  7. #7
    This Space For Hire
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    Personally I think Cambridge should be reinstated as the next destination, with just the date to be decided. However I am also aware that rail disruption there is still possible (ok, even more possible than most other places) so I would not mind switching to Cardiff or elsewhere.

    PS - please stop impugning British Rail, which has not existed in any shape or form since 2013 at the latest. Network Rail is far more deserving of abuse, or individual train operators where appropriate!
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  8. #8
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    Summarising the thoughts so far,no one is objecting to Cardiff but aem does point out some weekends when either the city or the trains will be very busy.Most replies also mention " Cardiff or somewhere else" so do any of the other leaders in the last southern poll excite such as Bath or Lewes ?
    "Good people drink good beer" Hunter S Thompson

  9. #9
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by an_ecumenical_matter View Post
    Hello folks. I wasn't going to give much more input on here any more but can I just say Wales are playing chase the egg at home on 3rd February and 10th and 16th of March. Also Cheltenham Gold Cup racing is Friday 15th March so crazy trains from both London and the north .
    Valuable input! That would also potentially affect Bath if we were to take up Nev's suggestion of revisiting the vote on the venue as well as the date.

    I'm still not clear as to why February/March was proposed. Haven't we been going for spring dates post-Easter in recent years?
    Come On You Hatters!

  10. #10
    Still about Mobyduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post
    Valuable input! That would also potentially affect Bath if we were to take up Nev's suggestion of revisiting the vote on the venue as well as the date.

    I'm still not clear as to why February/March was proposed. Haven't we been going for spring dates post-Easter in recent years?
    Fixture congestion.
    "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."

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