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Thread: Free Pub Webpages

  1. #1
    Real Ale Drinker Filo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Whitby, North Yorkshire

    Smile Free Pub Webpages

    Hello Everyone,

    If there are any landlords, or pub regulars out there that feel their pub needs a webpage and would like it for free, then all you need to do is send me some information about the pub with a few photos, and I will set you up with your own site. All free of charge. Sounds too good to be true doesn it? Well no, because all I ask, is that you allow me to use google adds to generate some income so that the site will pay for itself. The First in Last Out in Whitby, (which serves the best pint of Camerons Strongarm you will ever taste), has a webpage on this basis and has on average 355 visitors per four weeks.

    You can contact me via my main website

    Bye the way you can advertise on: for a £5 donation to cover costs.
    Last edited by Filo; 22-09-2009 at 12:54.
    Visit my Website or listen to Whitby Radio

  2. #2
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Filo has long been a valuable contributer to the Pubs Galore website.

    For me web sites are an important part of most business these days, they don't need to be fancy and have all the latest mapping technology and games for your visitors to play, but they do need to have your address, phone number and any important bits your business wants to sell (current Guest Ales and events).

    If you don't already have a web site for your pub I think this is an excellent offer.


  3. #3
    Real Ale Drinker Filo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Whitby, North Yorkshire

    Smile New Pub Webpages.

    You will never guess just how many requests I have had for a free webpage, for pubs that dont have one and want one for free....

    Visit my Website or listen to Whitby Radio

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