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Thread: PuG Tools

  1. #1
    This Space For Hire
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    May 2009
    Oscillating between Surrey and York

    Default PuG Tools

    No, I'm not being rude!

    Dave has created a number of useful mapping and other tools, one of which I can't for the life of me find but I know it is in here somewhere!

    I am sure there was a crawl mapping tool, and probably some others. I know that pictureless pubs has a link on the stats & features page, and have saved a link to reviewless pubs. Any more?

    Can someone please point me in the right direction or, even better, could we have a permanent linked list somewhere (even if they are still 'in development')?
    On leaving the bar, I felt a strong blow to the back of my head. Turning round, I discovered it was the pavement

  2. #2
    Administrator Dave M's Avatar
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    Very much still 'in development', but just made a couple of small modifications for make it useful.

    Here is the 'Pub Crawl Selection Tool' - it starts off over Norwich because it was constrained to just the one area, but if you move the map to where you want and press the green 'Reload Pubs Here' button it can now be used anywhere.

  3. #3
    This Space For Hire
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    May 2009
    Oscillating between Surrey and York


    That's the one! Ta very muchly mate - will save me a lot of effort.
    On leaving the bar, I felt a strong blow to the back of my head. Turning round, I discovered it was the pavement

  4. #4
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Pangolin View Post
    know that pictureless pubs has a link on the stats & features page, and have saved a link to reviewless pubs.
    The link to the pictureless pubs map tool is on the Pub photos by county page in Stats & Features. Perhaps the reviewless pubs map link could be added to the Pub reviews by county page?

    PS Could someone with the appropriate tool set please make this thread sticky so that it is easy to find again. Ta.
    Come On You Hatters!

  5. #5
    We're not really 'ere! trainman's Avatar
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    down 'ere, from oop there


    And once you choose an area and click + on each of the pubs you want, how do you then turn that chosen data into a crawl and print the area with selected pubs..?
    Thanks! j

  6. #6
    Administrator Dave M's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by trainman View Post
    And once you choose an area and click + on each of the pubs you want, how do you then turn that chosen data into a crawl and print the area with selected pubs..?
    Thanks! j
    At the moment unfortunately you don't, still trying to figure out exactly how to make it work.

  7. #7
    It wasn't me Quinno's Avatar
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    How often does the top pubs list get refreshed, Dave?

    After I dropped 7's for the Jubilee and Duke in Norwich I expected them to disappear off the list, but they're still on there

  8. #8
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quinno View Post
    How often does the top pubs list get refreshed, Dave?

    After I dropped 7's for the Jubilee and Duke in Norwich I expected them to disappear off the list, but they're still on there
    I hadn't looked at this list before, so thanks for the nudge.

    I was surprised to see on the list at number 19, having recently read Ian Mapp's review of 24th August 2021: "To sum up the beer - I overheard one barman say to the other "keep your eyes on the SBA, we had complaints yesterday". Heard when I was half way down my SBA :-) It was in keeping with the quality I have come to expect during my weeks walking around their tied houses." (rating 7)

    But looking further down, Alan Winfield gave this pub a rare 10 - way back in 2011! I thought the "weighted averages" were supposed to give less weight to older reviews - or does Alan's huge number of reviews give his ratings more weight?
    Come On You Hatters!

  9. #9
    Palookaville hondo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quinno View Post
    How often does the top pubs list get refreshed, Dave?

    After I dropped 7's for the Jubilee and Duke in Norwich I expected them to disappear off the list, but they're still on there
    only visited 6
    "Do I know where hell is? hell is in hello"

  10. #10
    It wasn't me Quinno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post
    I hadn't looked at this list before, so thanks for the nudge.

    I was surprised to see on the list at number 19, having recently read Ian Mapp's review of 24th August 2021: "To sum up the beer - I overheard one barman say to the other "keep your eyes on the SBA, we had complaints yesterday". Heard when I was half way down my SBA :-) It was in keeping with the quality I have come to expect during my weeks walking around their tied houses." (rating 7)

    But looking further down, Alan Winfield gave this pub a rare 10 - way back in 2011! I thought the "weighted averages" were supposed to give less weight to older reviews - or does Alan's huge number of reviews give his ratings more weight?
    Looks like it was one-off run as it hasn't updated my visit status for those two Norwich ones either.

    Can we have an update please, Snow White?

    Maybe even a weekly update...

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