I've been revamping the micropubs listing page to include some more useful information (area as well as town). Also formatting changes to try to make the same page run on mobile and desktop.
If you are logged in when you visit the page you will also see a column of ticks at the end of each row. Some of them will be green, if you have reviewed it in the past I have logged that as a visit. If you want to mark off ones you have visited you can click on the grey tick icons and they should turn green.
Also as I'm currently very much map focussed there is now a map of micropubs which I think is probably more useful. Ones you have visited will show as green markers.
If you click on the markers you'll see a tick in the popup over the marker and in the box that appears at the top of the map, if you click on either of those ticks it should also toggle between visited and not visited.
All still a bit of a work in progress but I am very much trying to work out how to make better use of mapping.