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Thread: Pubs Galore crawls 2020

  1. #1
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Default Pubs Galore crawls 2020

    Six weeks after our Autumn 2019 crawl of Shrewsbury and no one has started to talk about next year's venues and dates. Is this a record?

    I know there was some talk about having a 10th Anniversary crawl of Birmingham later next year (though I hope we'll have it a little earlier in the autumn than the first one, which took place on the 12th of November).

    That still leaves a spring crawl and a summer one; a southern one and a northern one - with venues and dates to be discussed and agreed. I think I've heard it said that we shouldn't repeat previous venues until we've done Birmingham again, so this would mean finding two new venues.

    Looking at previous years, we did the south in the spring in 2017, 2018 and 2019, but this doesn't mean a southern spring crawl is set in stone. Similarly, we've always done the spring crawl towards the end of March but in 2020 Easter is on April 12th, which potentially frees up Friday, 3rd April as a date for our crawl. So, how about a northern crawl on the first Friday in April? This has the advantage of an extra week or two of discussion before train tickets go on sale.

    Last year there wasn't a poll for the northern crawl, as Sheffield was widely agreed to have been a glaring ommission in previous years. In 2018 everyone got a bit carried away with the idea of the Manchester tram system - it was all ROB Camra's fault for being away on holiday at the time, and we quickly came to our senses when he returned - and in 2017 we agreed on my suggestion for Stockport without a poll. So the last time we had a good debate about a northern venue seems to have been four years ago, when it was determined that Lincoln was on the same latitude as Sheffield, and we ended up going to Hull.

    So, just to get things started and despite the danger of kicking off a new round of #geographygalore, I hereby propose Lincoln for the spring crawl venue. Any comments? (Ducks hastily behind pile of sand bags left over from the recent River Don floods.)
    Come On You Hatters!

  2. #2
    Pub researcher (unpaid) rpadam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post
    So, just to get things started and despite the danger of kicking off a new round of #geographygalore, I hereby propose Lincoln for the spring crawl venue. Any comments? (Ducks hastily behind pile of sand bags left over from the recent River Don floods.)
    With Lincoln definitely being in the East Midlands (as Wikipedia tells us, so it must be true), I'll nominate Macclesfield!

  3. #3
    Between pubs sheffield hatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rpadam View Post
    Refusing to rise to the provocation of your #geographygalore-insipred exclamation mark, I would merely say that Lincoln is a much better crawl venue for pubs and beer than the Cheshire-based town that you mention. [Albeit slightly further south than Macc.]
    Come On You Hatters!

  4. #4
    Pub researcher (unpaid) rpadam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post
    Refusing to rise to the provocation of your #geographygalore-insipred exclamation mark, I would merely say that Lincoln is a much better crawl venue for pubs and beer than the Cheshire-based town that you mention. [Albeit slightly further south than Macc.]
    I've never been to Macclesfield (so I've only ever read about its pubs on this site, where there have been some good reviews), but I can't disagree about Lincoln's merits - it's certainly worth an extended visit.

  5. #5
    This Space For Hire
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post
    I hereby propose Lincoln for the spring crawl venue.
    Sounds fine by me and Lincoln cathedral was once the world's tallest building too.

  6. #6
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    I think Lincoln is a decent call and the date looks good from my point of view.

    It's been a while since I was last in Lincoln and there seems to be a lot more GBG entries these days,including the 'spoons near the station.Careful planning would be required as you don't want to be going up and down the steep rise to the cathedral too many times
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  7. #7
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post

    Looking at previous years, we did the south in the spring in 2017, 2018 and 2019, but this doesn't mean a southern spring crawl is set in stone. Similarly, we've always done the spring crawl towards the end of March but in 2020 Easter is on April 12th, which potentially frees up Friday, 3rd April as a date for our crawl. So, how about a northern crawl on the first Friday in April? This has the advantage of an extra week or two of discussion before train tickets go on sale.
    This will clash with the Camra National AGM in York which a number of Puggers will probably attend.

    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post

    So, just to get things started and despite the danger of kicking off a new round of #geographygalore, I hereby propose Lincoln for the spring crawl venue. Any comments?

    Lincoln isn't a bad place for a crawl apart from that bloody hill, however it may prove a little difficult for some people to travel to, North /South isn't bad but west to east might be more of a challenge and more expensive.

  8. #8
    Pub researcher (unpaid) rpadam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldboots View Post
    This will clash with the Camra National AGM in York which a number of Puggers will probably attend.
    I am planning to be in York that weekend.

  9. #9
    This Space For Hire Aqualung's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rpadam View Post
    I am planning to be in York that weekend.
    I'll go along with a northern venue for Spring as long as it doesn't mean a southern venue in Summer. Lincoln is far enough north for me to accept it as the North but I struggle a bit to enthuse about it although I really don't know it that well. I've been there 3 times over the years although the third time was just to go to the JDWs. Surely the venue should be confirmed before the date?

  10. #10
    This Space For Hire
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    I don't mind Lincoln (in fact I was planning a trip there anyway) but would be equally happy with somewhere more properly oop North. First Friday in April doesn't work for me however.
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