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Thread: Beer of the Week (w/e 6th January 2019)

  1. #1
    Roving RAT ROBCamra's Avatar
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    Default Beer of the Week (w/e 6th January 2019)

    A pub is for life not just for Christmas

  2. #2
    This Space For Hire Wittenden's Avatar
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    Weald of Kent



    Harveys-Sussex Best Bitter 4%abv. Taken in two houses,ranging from OK to fruity.
    Larkins-Traditional 3.4%abv.A bit on the cold side.
    Bedlam-Benchmark 4%abv.New style old school Best Bitter.Farmyard, hedge fruit. My BOTW.
    "At that moment I would have given a kingdom, not for champagne or hock and soda, or hot coffee but for a glass of beer" Marquess Curzon of Kedlestone, Viceroy of India.

  3. #3
    Still about Mobyduck's Avatar
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    Out saving pubs and enjoying it.


    Purity Bunny Hop
    Flowerpots Perridge Pale
    Black Hole Cosmic
    Ciren Porter
    Wantsum Black Pig

    BOTW goes to the Flowerpots beer in a light drinking week.
    "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."

  4. #4


    A short and not especially well formed list:

    Moongazer Amber Ale
    Adnams Ghost Ship*
    Brancaster Brewdolph
    Brancaster Oystercatcher*
    Moongazer Hiberno*
    Oakham Bishops Farewell

    BOTW Brancaster Oystercatcher. I always forget quite how good this is until around halfway through the second. Nips at TT Landlord's heels as a quality session ale.
    "Beer is food." Morse, Colin Dexter

  5. #5
    In Search of Ebriety Millay's Avatar
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    Wandering, or wondering, or wandering in.


    A good start to the year which has given me 10 new beers towards my 2019 target of 500

    Enefeld - Speculation
    Enefeld - EB
    Osset - Nervous Turkey
    Truman's - Swift
    Windsor & Eton - Silent Knight of the Garter
    Truman's - Bow Bells
    Twickenham - Naked Ladies
    Pope's Yard - Frogmore Stout
    Leighton Buzzard - Irish Oil
    Kelchner - Small Batch #3
    Dorset Berwing Co - Origin
    Chiltern - Chiltern Pale Ale
    Watneys - Irony
    Dartmore - Dartmore Best
    Oxford Craft Beer Co - Triploid

    BotW is from Kelchner, a micro brewery in Ampthill near Milton Keynes.
    I've just joined Alcoholics Anonymous - I still drink, just under a different name.

  6. #6
    This Space For Hire aleandhearty's Avatar
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    Good week for me, almost certainly a reaction to having no pub time during the Xmas hols.

    Tarn 51 - Altofts Blonde.
    Tarn 51 - Rocking Robin.*
    Tarn 51 - Jol.*
    Stancill - Not Dark Yet.
    Small World - Twin Falls.
    North Riding - Citra.*
    Half Moon - Dark Masquerade.
    Melwood - Derby Stout.
    Empire - Strikes Back.
    Stancill - Blizzard.
    Stancill - Driving Home.
    Titanic - Plum Porter.*
    Bad Seed - On the Juice.*
    Salt - Mockado.
    Rat - Rat Trap.
    Wilde Child - Chimney Blockage.
    Kirkstall - Solitude.
    North Riding - US Session Pale.*
    Fernandes - Kiwi Session.
    Abbeydale - Salvation.*

    The Citra, US Session Pale and Plum Porter were particularly good, but as they've all been nominated before, I'm plumping for the Jol, a 7% impy stout. Sampled at The Robin Hood, Altofts, where the Tarn 51 microbrewery is also based.
    'And where he supped the past lived still. And where he sipped the glass brimmed full' John Barleycorn, Carol Ann Duffy.

  7. #7
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    Mini crawl around Maida Vale.

    Elgin & Hopstuff -- Lemon Saison (keg)
    Portobello -- Sauce on the Side
    Sam Smith -- Extra Stout (keg)
    Wimbledon -- Copper Leaf
    Left Handed Giant -- Compulsory Fun IPA * (keg)
    Tiny Rebel -- Imperial Chocolate Stay Puft * (keg)
    Tiny Rebel -- Cwtch

    BOTW went to Tiny Rebel Imperial Chocolate Stay Puft ,A marshmallow porter 9% with outstanding malts and a delicious bitter finish in the keg emporium that is Real Ale.The Compulsory Fun IPA in there ran it very close.

    Next week mainly focussed on the footie for ale options.
    "Good people drink good beer" Hunter S Thompson

  8. #8
    This Space For Hire Aqualung's Avatar
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    A fairly quiet week :-

    Gadds' Gyle 1664 4.3%
    Titanic Cherry Dark 4.4%
    Windsor & Eton Mandarin 4.5%
    Reunion Midnight Runner 4.8%
    Wantsum Black Pig 4.8%
    Parkway Mad Dog 5.0%
    Goacher's Gold Star 5.1%
    Tonbridge Velvet Raven 5.2%
    Marston's Old Empire 5.7%
    Gadds' Black Pearl Stout (keg) 6.2%

    The winner is the keg option the Gadds' Black Pearl Stout as tried for £5.00 in the inappropriately named Bottle Shop for £5.00. It was silky smooth, not overly sweet and went down a treat. Just what is the point of Guinness?

    BOTW Gadds' Black Pearl Stout

  9. #9
    This Space For Hire Wittenden's Avatar
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    Weald of Kent


    Quote Originally Posted by Aqualung View Post
    A fairly quiet week :-

    The winner is the keg option the Gadds' Black Pearl Stout as tried for £5.00 in the inappropriately named Bottle Shop for £5.00. It was silky smooth, not overly sweet and went down a treat. Just what is the point of Guinness?

    BOTW Gadds' Black Pearl Stout
    Loverly beer! Never tried it on keg or cask, but stock up with bottles whenever I come across them. I think it was originally brewed for a fish'n'chip shop over in Thanet.
    "At that moment I would have given a kingdom, not for champagne or hock and soda, or hot coffee but for a glass of beer" Marquess Curzon of Kedlestone, Viceroy of India.

  10. #10
    This Space For Hire Aqualung's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wittenden View Post
    Loverly beer! Never tried it on keg or cask, but stock up with bottles whenever I come across them. I think it was originally brewed for a fish'n'chip shop over in Thanet.
    I didn't mention, I think it said it was an Oyster Stout. If you see it on keg don't be afraid to try it as it's very worthwhile. Five quid a pint is expensive but not outrageously so for a 6.2% keg.

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