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Thread: Beer of the Week (w/e 20 June 2010)

  1. #1
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Default Beer of the Week (w/e 20 June 2010)

    Finally start this thread after the prodigious amount of contributions that needed approving form yesterday.

    ETA: Carn Brae Celtic Blonde
    an_ecumenical_matter: Andwell "Ruddy Darter"
    Alesonly: Green King Back of the net
    ROBCamra: Saltaire Hazelnut Coffee Porter
    Hopwas: Highgate's Mild
    Dave M: Greenroom Icon
    Pubsignman: Westerham British Bulldog Gold
    aleandhearty: Naylor's 'Drink it's all over'
    oldboots: Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby Mild
    HTM69: Batemans Miss Russia
    Millay: Leeds Midnight Bell
    RogerB: Deeside Lulach

  2. #2
    This Space For Hire aleandhearty's Avatar
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    Can't believe it's now Thursday and nobody else has commented. Had a decent session yesterday, trying eght beers:

    Loddon 'Ferryman's Gold'.
    Nethergate 'Mary's Ruby Mild'
    Fernandes 'Chinook'
    Fernandes 'Great Northern'
    Milestone 'Somers Wheat'
    Titanic Stout
    Kelham Island 'Riders of the Storm'
    Bradfield 'Farmer's Blonde'

    Some good beers in there, but no 'angels singing on my tongue', as yet. The Great Northern is probably in the lead at the moment.
    'And where he supped the past lived still. And where he sipped the glass brimmed full' John Barleycorn, Carol Ann Duffy.

  3. #3
    Humble Wordsmith ETA's Avatar
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    I have finally had a strong contender which I don't think will be beaten this week - Carn Brae Celtic Blonde (so that's my nomination).

  4. #4


    Andwell "Ruddy Darter" at (where else) the Nags Head Reading. Ruby ale with reasonable malt and bitterness. A vast improvement on the xmas snowstorm of Plain Innocence served in the Crown Pewsey today.

  5. #5
    I'll stay on me own Alesonly's Avatar
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    I Only managed too get into the Pub/Spoons once this week as I was on Late shifts. I Tried the Five Ales that were on but most weren't nothing outstanding the only one that was best of a bad bunch was Green King Back of the Net which proves that G/K can brew a good Ale if they try.

    So My Beer of the week this week form a very limited choice was Green King Back of the net.
    Don't You just hate Pubs that say
    ( We don't stock any Real Ales as theres Just no call for it.)

  6. #6
    Roving RAT ROBCamra's Avatar
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    Well after quite a few decent pints this week my BOTW is going to go to the very last one I had last night.

    Saltaire Hazelnut Coffee Porter. A thick dark porter, perfect for these lovely summer days, or pehaps not.

    It was good though.
    A pub is for life not just for Christmas

  7. #7
    Official JDW Tester hopwas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROBCamra View Post
    Saltaire Hazelnut Coffee Porter. A thick dark porter, perfect for these lovely summer days, or pehaps not.

    It was good though.
    It is on my list for drinks I must try before I die.. I hope Silk Kite do provide them in near future.

    Anyway my BOTW goes to Highgate's MILD as mark of respect for fallen brewery. I had 6 pints of these at hree Tuns, Tamworth during Italy Vs Paraguay. Very delightful finish and quite chocolately.
    J.D Wetherspoon = Home of Hoppy: The Silk Kite, Tamworth..

  8. #8
    Administrator Dave M's Avatar
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    Managed to try out a pretty decent selection of local ales whilst in Cornwall.

    Just going through the notes I made..

    Doom Bar x 4
    Atlantic IPA
    Cornish Coaster

    St Austell
    Tribute x 2
    Proper Job x 2
    Tinners x 2

    Betty Stogs
    Cornish Knocker


    Wizard Ales
    Druids Fluid

    I was thoroughly impressed with both of the Greenroom Ales and have brought home a couple of bottles of their other beer (Rogue) for myself and Conrad to sample. I think the Icon just edged the IPA as my BotW.

  9. #9
    This Space For Hire Pubsignman's Avatar
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    I've had a pretty good week after a poor showing (and no BOTW nomination) last week. I went to the Summer Ales Festival at the Hope (Carshalton) on Thursday, which provided some strong contenders including Dorking Black Mild (possibly my favourite mild of the year so far), Titanic Captain Smith, Pilgrim Silver Sovereign and Ascot Gold Cup.

    But BOTW goes to my first pint of the week, which was Westerham British Bulldog Gold, as tried in the unlikely setting of the Croydon Warehouse Theatre's Cafe Bar. This is the second time I've picked a Westerham beer in recent weeks. They really do make some consistently excellent ales.

  10. #10
    This Space For Hire aleandhearty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aleandhearty View Post
    Had a decent session yesterday, trying eght beers:

    Loddon 'Ferryman's Gold'.
    Nethergate 'Mary's Ruby Mild'
    Fernandes 'Chinook'
    Fernandes 'Great Northern'
    Milestone 'Somers Wheat'
    Titanic Stout
    Kelham Island 'Riders of the Storm'
    Bradfield 'Farmer's Blonde'
    Also tried Conwy 'Mulberry Dark', Harviestoun 'Flying Dutchman' and Naylor's 'Drink it's all over' (rebadged 'Pale Ale' or 'Blonde'?) this week. The theme that's emerged the last few days is of a lot of good beers not quite at their best. The Naylor's 'Drink it's all over' may not have been the winner under normal circumstances, but it was in tip-top condition when I tried it, therefore BOTW.
    'And where he supped the past lived still. And where he sipped the glass brimmed full' John Barleycorn, Carol Ann Duffy.

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