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Thread: Beer of the Week (w/e 13 June 2010)

  1. #1
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Default Beer of the Week (w/e 13 June 2010)

    Sorry just realised I hadn't started this.

    RogerB: Exmoor Stag
    Oggwyn Trench: Acorn Englands Glory
    Alesonly: Springhead Brewery Roaring Meg
    oldboots: Triple fff Moondance
    ETA: Well's Bombadier
    Millay: Bath Ales Gem
    ROBCamra: Mallinsons Centennial
    aleandhearty: Mallinson's 'Castle Hill Premium'
    hopwas: Carlsberg
    HTM69: Masterbrew
    Evil Gazebo: Ilkley Black
    Bucking Fastard: The Little Cart Brewery Alcazar

  2. #2
    Fully paid up beer belly Farway's Avatar
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    I will start with Havant Started, no pun intended. It is from my very local micro brewery, now being trialled at my local.

    A very pleasant & easy drinkable bitter, light gold colour with just a hint of sweetness to take the sharpness out

    I could drink this one anytime

    PS, just spotted the brewery does free local deliveries, £18 for 5 litre box / 9 pints] could this be the World Cup solution for me?
    Last edited by Farway; 08-06-2010 at 14:16. Reason: PS added

  3. #3
    We're not really 'ere! trainman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farway View Post
    Havant Started... free local deliveries... £18 for 5 litre box
    Could be a solution but, if buying in a box the equiv of £1.80 per 500ml bottle, sounds expensive to me. I know we don't get the ludicrous get-shedded-for-nowt deals that are thrown at lager drinkers several times a year but, say, Morrisons 4 btls for £5.50 would provide variety of style & strength for £1.38pb, albeit the website's crap & they don't deliver.
    Last edited by trainman; 08-06-2010 at 17:25. Reason: poor punctuation

  4. #4
    The Beerhunter. RogerB's Avatar
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    On the basis that I may not get to a working PC before the week is out, I will get my BotW nomination in early - Exmoor Stag at the Rutland Ale House in Hammersmith. I only popped in to use the urination station and ended up putting more in than emptying out!

  5. #5
    Roving RAT ROBCamra's Avatar
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    After my self imposed real ale drought last week in Majorca it was good to get back on the ale trail again last night.

    A pint of Green Mill Big Chief followed by several pints of Mallinsons Centennial. What a good beer, it's got a chance this week.
    A pub is for life not just for Christmas

  6. #6
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    Well as tonight will be my last visit to a pub for a couple of weeks my BOTW is Acorn Englands Glory with Wentworth Summer Lovin as a close runner up , BOTW for the next couple of weeks will be Alfa or Mythos
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  7. #7
    I'll stay on me own Alesonly's Avatar
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    Same here this afternoons few Beers will be the last till at least Monday night as I'm on late turn duty till Monday so no more Beer.

    This out of this weeks limited choice the best I had was Springhead Brewery Roaring Meg 5.5% ABV I found it very easy drinkable and could easy have had a few more its very deceptive for strength.
    Don't You just hate Pubs that say
    ( We don't stock any Real Ales as theres Just no call for it.)

  8. #8
    This Space For Hire aleandhearty's Avatar
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    Had a few beers in Leeds and 'headquarters' yesterday: Summer Wine 'Helios', Nethergate 'Umbel Magna', Brains 'Reverend James', Roosters 'YPA', Phoenix 'West Coast IPA', Anglo-Dutch 'Sarah Barnes', Fernandes 'Rum for Cover'. Despite being served too cold, the sublime Rooster's is easily in the lead at the moment.
    'And where he supped the past lived still. And where he sipped the glass brimmed full' John Barleycorn, Carol Ann Duffy.

  9. #9
    Official JDW Tester hopwas's Avatar
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    Haven't had a proper beer this week and I am saving my monies for this Sat night. Then pay day on Monday so I can look forward to my BOTW
    J.D Wetherspoon = Home of Hoppy: The Silk Kite, Tamworth..

  10. #10
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    As I'm on call then in Masham and stuck on Black Sheep/Theakstons at the weekend, I think I can nominate my BOTW already, drunk in the wonderful Nags Head in Reading... I knew on the first mouthful, Triple fff Moondance.

    I would also like to nominate "Cleavage of the Week" as the young barmaid in the Horse and Jockey in Reading, as they say she made a happy man feel very old .

    Next week's may be Batham's MILD so watch out in the Black Country..... I'm on the way.

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