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Thread: Beer of the Week (w/e 14th April 2013)

  1. #11
    This Space For Hire Wittenden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Weald of Kent


    The Surrey Oaks:
    Saltaire-Tyke's Gold: a really good golden ale for once.Buiscuitty and citrus.
    Pilgrim-Moild:a jet black MILD. Soft and apricot.Grand.

    A very close run thing, but on reflection my BOTW is Pilgrim-Moild as it is produced close to the pub.
    "At that moment I would have given a kingdom, not for champagne or hock and soda, or hot coffee but for a glass of beer" Marquess Curzon of Kedlestone, Viceroy of India.

  2. #12


    A good week with boating in the Nottingham area:
    Blue Monkey: Ape Ale - Cask and Keg, Infinity, 99 Red Baboons, BG Sips, Rhesus to be Cheerful
    Oakham: Citra, Bishops Farewell
    Sarah Hughes Ruby Mild
    Wold Top - Wold Gold
    Castle Rock Screech Owl
    Flipside - Dusty Penny
    Abbeydale Absolution
    Titanic Stout

    Some very good beers in there and I was especially impressed with the Stout, Ruby Mild and Screech Owl as well as everything from Blue Monkey. The Ape Ale is outstanding as BF has highlighted but BOTW goes to Blue Monkey Rhesus to be Cheerful. Looks and tastes like boring brown beer - to start with, then its hoppiness gives a refreshing dry finish. Clever beer.

  3. #13
    This Space For Hire aleandhearty's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    West Yorkshire


    Good week for me, with a mini jaunt to Sowerby Bridge, over the weekend, helping things along nicely. Tried this week:

    Castle Rock - Harvest Pale.
    Fullers - Brit Hop.
    Fernandes - Vanilla Porter.
    First Chop - TEA.
    Orkney - 1878.
    Brains - Willy Nilly.
    Shepherd Neame - New World PA.
    Moorhouses - Amber Gambler.
    Elland - El Divino.
    Roosters - Cogburn.
    Blue Monkey - Marmoset.
    Captain Cook - Black Porter.
    Saltaire - Tyke's Gold.
    Vale - Hopocalypse Vale.
    Saltaire - South Island Pale.
    Roosters - Yankee.
    Glentworth - Golden Pale.
    Thornbridge - Brock.
    Ilkley - Mary Jane.

    Some very good beers in there. Definitely a case of pale beer overload on Saturday afternoon, so the fine Captain Cook was a bit of a lifesaver.
    'And where he supped the past lived still. And where he sipped the glass brimmed full' John Barleycorn, Carol Ann Duffy.

  4. #14
    Roving RAT ROBCamra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    A bit of a shock this week. Two days in Chester and two more in Shrewsbury and my BOTW is going to be from a JDW.

    Adnams Belgian Style Abbey Ale was in fantastic condition at Forest House (Lloyds No 1)

    It didn't pass the 3 pint test as we didn't have time. But it did pass the pint and an extra cheeky half test.
    A pub is for life not just for Christmas

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