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Thread: Beer of the Week (w/e 14th April 2013)

  1. #1
    Roving RAT ROBCamra's Avatar
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    Default Beer of the Week (w/e 14th April 2013)

    hondo: Old Dominion Brewing Co. Hop Mountain Keg
    PaulOfHorsham: Camden Gentleman's Wit
    Mobyduck: Lymestone Pounamu
    Aqualung: Siren Liquid Mistress
    Oggwyn Trench: Salamander Bahamut
    Bucking Fastard: Blue Monkey Ape Ale
    Real Ale Ray: Pennine Spring Barley
    oldboots: Ilkley Joshua Jane
    london calling: Fyne Life of Ryely
    Wittenden: Pilgrim Moild
    Thuck Phat: Blue Monkey Rhesus to be Cheerful
    aleandhearty: Captain Cook Black Porter
    ROBCamra: Adnams Belgian Style Abbey Ale
    Last edited by ROBCamra; 19-04-2013 at 11:05.
    A pub is for life not just for Christmas

  2. #2
    Palookaville hondo's Avatar
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    from across the Atlantic old dominion brewing co of Dover Delaware - hop mountain keg
    "Do I know where hell is? hell is in hello"

  3. #3
    I'll stay on me own PaulOfHorsham's Avatar
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    Camden Gentleman's Wit is a terrific interpretation of a Belgian style wheat beer and easily wins the prize for me.
    Keeping breweries in business for more than 40() years

  4. #4
    Still about Mobyduck's Avatar
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    Darkstar Hophead
    Darkstar American Pale Ale
    Bowmans Swift One
    Bowmans Quiver
    Bowmans Elderado
    Irving Frigate
    Irving Defender
    Irving Admiral Stout
    Timothy Taylors Landlord
    Lymestone Pounamu, my beer of the week one of Wetherspoons Festival beers and very good.
    "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."

  5. #5
    This Space For Hire Aqualung's Avatar
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    I thought a Spoonsfest beer may win this week, but it got pushed out.

    Wharfebank Spring Hop 4.3%
    Corfu Ionian Coffee Porter 4.5%
    Titanic Molly Brown Ale 4.6%
    Devil's Backbone American Amber 4.8%
    Nethergate Bowler 5.0%
    Brodie's Mosaic Pale 5.0%
    Deschutes Twilight Pale Ale 5.0%
    Siren Soundwave 5.6%
    Siren Liquid Mistress 5.8%
    Bateman's Mocha 6.0%
    Brodie's Caramel Salt Brown 6.0%
    Brodie's Saki IPA (keykeg) 8.0%

    The Bateman's Mocha was odds-on to win until I tried the Siren Liquid Mistress which was a superb dark red ale at £2.60 in the Leyton King William IV. The Saki IPA came close to making it into the BABOTW thread as it was proper keg gassy and had absolutely no redeeming qualities other than the high ABV.

    BOTW Siren Liquid Mistress

  6. #6
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    Another quiet week for me

    Banks - Cereal Thriller
    Black Jack - Short Stack
    Ilkley - Ilkley Pale
    Blue Bee - Shriek
    Salamander - Bahamut
    Green Duck - Bob the Builduck
    Darkstar - Partridge

    BOTW Salamander - Bahamut
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  7. #7
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    A bumper week with some very fine ale.

    Oakham - Citra,Bishops Farewell
    Top Wold- Wold Gold
    St Austell- Proper Job
    Castle Rock - Preservation
    Sarah Hughes- Dark Ruby MILD
    Blue Monkey- BG Sips,99 Red Baboons,Infinity,Ape Ale,Rhesus to be Chearful

    BOTW among this stellar list was Blue Monkey Ape Ale,in the Loughborough Organ Grinder and my beer of the year so far.

    After all that lot above I need a rest
    "Good people drink good beer" Hunter S Thompson

  8. #8
    This Space For Hire Real Ale Ray's Avatar
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    Pennine - Spring Barley

  9. #9
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    some good ones this week

    Red Rider IPA
    Kirkstall Three Swords
    Black Sheep Bitter
    Marstons Pacific Gem
    Goose Eye Golden Goose
    Bradfield Farmers Stout
    Roosters True Grit
    Ilkley Joshua Jane
    Elland 1872 Porter
    Knaresborough Bean Brewed
    Celtic Experience Bleddyn

    My BOTW is Ilkley's take on Tetleys Bitter (alledgedly) Joshua Jane, brown in colour but with lots of hops.

  10. #10
    This Space For Hire
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    Sep 2012


    With 12 new beers tried this week but most pretty dull or just badly made.Arbor -artizan is a good beer but
    Fyne -life of Ryely was lovely from a brewer who never disappoints.

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