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Thread: Beer of the Week (w/e 7th April 2013)

  1. #1
    Roving RAT ROBCamra's Avatar
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    Default Beer of the Week (w/e 7th April 2013)

    A pub is for life not just for Christmas

  2. #2
    Still about Mobyduck's Avatar
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    Out saving pubs and enjoying it.


    Early days but nothing will beat The Darkstar Six Hop Ale drunk in an unreasonable quantity today, other have been -
    Darkstar Hophead
    Cottage brewery Dutchess
    West Berks berkshire Beauty
    Courage Best
    Youngs Double Chocolate Stout ,bottled( this was on course to be BOTW until the event of of the Six Hop)
    Triple fff Altons Pride
    BOTW Darkstar Six Hop Ale , One of the best beers I have ever drunk.
    Last edited by Mobyduck; 07-04-2013 at 17:25.
    "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."

  3. #3
    This Space For Hire Wittenden's Avatar
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    Just one pub visit this week-our trip to the Merry Harriers at Hambledon was postponed to next week.My BOTW-Harvey's- Sussex Best Bitter.Nothing more need be said.
    "At that moment I would have given a kingdom, not for champagne or hock and soda, or hot coffee but for a glass of beer" Marquess Curzon of Kedlestone, Viceroy of India.

  4. #4
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    Managed to keep a note of this weeks consumption

    TT Landlord
    Everards Beacon ,Tiger
    Oakham Scarlet McCaw
    Great Heck Dispensary
    Raw Black Ghost
    Fullers London Pride
    Morrisey Fox Palace Blonde Ale (bottle)
    Blue Monkey BG Sips,Infinity,99 Red Baboons

    Some good ones there and BOTW goes to Blue Monkey 99 Red Baboons in the impressive Organ Grinder,Loughborough the sister pub to the OG in Nottingham.

    At the end of next week another boating journey with a reprise in Loughborough,then Ilkeston,Beeston and Nottingham should produce many worthy BOTW contenders and a merry crew
    "Good people drink good beer" Hunter S Thompson

  5. #5
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    Only one night out this week

    Brown Cow - Empress of Britain
    White Rose - Ice Blonde
    Abbeydale - Faith Book
    Ironbridge - American Pale
    Ironbridge - West Coast IPA 48 Special
    Oakhams - Jesters Ferret
    Brewdog - Dead Pony Club(fizzy Craft keg)

    BOTW Ironbridge - West Coast IPA 48 Special , i have been really impressed with some of these experimental brews from Ironbridge all 4.8% hence the 48 special tag , several deserve to be brewed again

    I have now tried three of the Craft Keg beers in the Fighting Cocks and they have all tasted the same
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  6. #6
    This Space For Hire Real Ale Ray's Avatar
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    Old Dairy - Gold Top

  7. #7
    This Space For Hire Aqualung's Avatar
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    Here's the selection :-

    Shepherd Neame New World Pale Ale 4.0%
    Lodewijks Fly By Night 4.2%
    Redemption Hopspur 4.5%
    Caledonian Brewer's Passion 4.6%
    Adnam's Abbey Ale 5.0%
    Everard's Malty Tasker 5.0%
    Brodie's Old Street Pale 5.0%
    Brodie's Jamaican Stout 5.3%
    Good George Pacific Gem 5.5%
    Orkney 1878 Strong Ale 5.5%
    Vasileostrovsky Siberian Red 6.0%
    Wadworth's 6X Anniversary 6.0%
    Brodie's Dopple Dunkle Wheat 6.5%
    Central City Red Racer IPA 6.5%
    Brodie's Romanov Stout 12.1%

    The oustanding one for me was the Vasileostrovsky Siberian Red, a dark red ale with a superb full flavour, served in immaculate condition in the George at Wanstead for £2.29.

    BOTW Vasileostrovsky Siberian Red

  8. #8
    We're not really 'ere! trainman's Avatar
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    down 'ere, from oop there


    Quote Originally Posted by Bucking Fastard View Post

    ... BOTW goes to Blue Monkey 99 Red Baboons in the impressive Organ Grinder,Loughborough the sister pub to the OG in Nottingham.
    Any other worthies in Loughborough BF? Would it be worth a visit?
    ta, j

  9. #9
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    Grand Union


    Quote Originally Posted by trainman View Post
    Any other worthies in Loughborough BF? Would it be worth a visit?
    ta, j
    My problem with Loughborough is that having got in The Organ Grinder I would find it very difficult to leave.In the past I have visited the Tap and Mallet ,which I really liked. The Swan in the Rushes is worth a visit for the Castle Rock beers and I know there is a Steamin' Billy owned pub in town,although unvisited by me.The Albion on the canal towpath is charming but I havn't been in for years.There is also an Everards pub near the church.

    Will be going back to L'boro this Thursday with a different crew,but I only expect a one pub visit.However I am sure you could organise a decent crawl with a bit of discipline.
    "Good people drink good beer" Hunter S Thompson

  10. #10
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    A quiet week for me

    Black Sheep All Creatures
    Skinners Sennen
    Ionan Coffe Porter
    Daleside Old Leg Over
    Darkstar Art of Darkness
    Ossett Yorkshire Blonde
    Great Heck Heckate
    York Guzzler
    Roosters Yankee

    an easy winner in Darkstar Art of Darkness

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