I just wanted to shamelessly plug, the opening of a new pub in Cheltenham. The Sandford Park Alehouse is due to open within the next month at 20 High Street, Cheltenham. Should be a good place for real ale lovers.
I just wanted to shamelessly plug, the opening of a new pub in Cheltenham. The Sandford Park Alehouse is due to open within the next month at 20 High Street, Cheltenham. Should be a good place for real ale lovers.
I'm pleased to report that The Sandford Park Alehouse, is now open.
I also want to say thank you for getting the pub's details on the main website so quickly, I only added the pub 20 minutes ago. Well done.
Last edited by Lady Grey; 26-04-2013 at 12:41.
Visited twice this weekend
Currently here with a pint of Crouch Vale Snowdrop
Will upload photos and review on return to 'the smoke'
Work is the curse of the drinking Class - Oscar Wilde
I'll look forward to seeing those I've tried to photograph it myself, but have been hampered by rubbish bins and dull weather!