Really? Moor St is south of Brum wile Snow Hill is north of Brum. I rarely uses Moor st and never Snow Hill. But Snow Hill is actually very good thing cos it is much closer than Moor St. As you exit Wellington's main entrance, go right up the hill then when you come to Colmore Row then turn right and Snow Hill is on left hand side at the other side of the road.
I just realised you can actually catch train from Snow Hill to Moor St as Snow Hill is the FIRST port of call then Moor St then Stourbridge then Kiddy. I got it now, sorry Millay!
Bewdley do have JDW there and it is called The George Hotel and Bewdley have incredibly high number of pubs in small town. Whats wrong with bus? It is only around 5 miles from Kiddy to Bewdley