The weather looks to be OK this weekend so I’ve got myself one of those ‘go anywhere for £10’ Great Escape tickets from London Midland and aim to be heading off early Saturday morning from Watford. Exactly how early remains to be seen as I have Friday off work and I may pay a visit to the Luton Beer Festival.
The rough plan is to head north to Birmingham, maybe have a pint or two in the Wellington, unless I get there before they open, and then get a train to Worcester. There it will be the Dragon Inn and the Plough plus maybe a look in at the Cardinals Hat and the JDW before getting a train back to Brum. I’m thinking of a stop off on the way in Kidderminster for the King & Castle. However this would mean getting the line that takes me in to Snow Hill or Moor Street and this is where I need some advice from someone who knows the city. Working on the basis that I need to get from one of these stations to New St and have a couple of beers on the way which one should it be. I reckon Snow Hill is best so I can take in the Joint Stock, the Wellington and the Briar Rose on the way but am open to suggestions.
From Brum it will be a train to Northampton and a couple at the Malt Shovel before making my way back to Watford with possibly a stop or two on the way.
Sunday I will probably be recovering and trying to remember where I got to so that I can tell you good folks all about it - and try to work out that if the Pub Crawl tool works for long distance crawls