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Thread: Beer of the Week (w/e 3rd June 2012)

  1. #1
    Roving RAT ROBCamra's Avatar
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    Default Beer of the Week (w/e 3rd June 2012)

    ROBCamra: Brightside Odin
    Al 10000: Great Heck Hecks Angels
    Real Ale Ray: Cross Bay Sunset
    Bucking Fastard: Roosters True Grit
    Mobyduck: Hopback Crop Circle
    Old Blue: Hammerpot Woodcote Bitter
    Oggwyn Trench: Goose Eye Chinook
    Thuck Phat: Oakham Bishops Farewell
    Wittenden: Old Dairy Sun Top
    Spinko: Quantum Stockporter
    aleandhearty: Fernandes Great Northern
    Quinno: Adnams Explorer
    Farway: RAW Spring Special
    Millay: Oakham Green Devil IPA
    Dave M: Ožujsko lager
    Pubmignman: Roosters Yankee
    Last edited by ROBCamra; 12-06-2012 at 09:25.
    A pub is for life not just for Christmas

  2. #2
    Roving RAT ROBCamra's Avatar
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    No more proper beer for me this week, so BOTW is going to be Brightside Odin.

    Light & Hoppy and at 3.8% a great session beer for the warm weather. I had 3 in The Baum on Tuesday.
    A pub is for life not just for Christmas

  3. #3
    I'll stay on me own
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    Jul 2010


    My beer of the week goes to Great Heck Hecks Angels tried in the Mallard in Worksop.

  4. #4
    This Space For Hire Real Ale Ray's Avatar
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    My BOTW is Cross Bay Brewery Sunset

  5. #5
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    A night in a McMullens pub was never going to yield a BOTW,so my mini crawl around Bow Street was the last chance ,and luckily Rooster's True Grit in The Williamson Tavern did sink very easily,so was followed by some more.Generally a good sign that the beer is a worthy BOTW.

  6. #6
    Still about Mobyduck's Avatar
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    Hopback's Cropcircle ,unsurpassed this week.

  7. #7
    Glass Half Empty
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    Quite a few beers drunk in Dorset this week:
    Palmers Copper Ale, Dorset Gold and 200
    Hall & Woodhouse Hopping Hare and Tanglefoot
    Otter Bitter and Ale
    Ringwood Best and Fortyniner
    Butcombe Bitter and Mendip Spring
    Jennings Cumberland Ale
    Wychwood Hobgoblin
    St. Austell Tribute, Trelawny and Proper Job
    Sharps Doombar
    Theakston XB
    Brains IPA
    Royal Standard DT3
    Yeovil Stargazer
    Sunny Republic Beach Blonde and Huna Red
    Harviestoun Bitter & Twisted
    Tetley's Hop & Glory
    However none of these surpassed either Red Squirrel Conservation Ale or Hammerpot Woodcote Bitter, both drunk today in the Roebuck on Richmond Hill (incidentally, the Roebuck now seems to have 6 ales on hand pump and another 3 on stillage - rather more than the selection of 4 ales that were on last time it was reviewed!)
    'Immanuel Kant was a real pissant who was very rarely stable' - Python

  8. #8
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    Very good weekends drinking

    RAT - Darn Tarn Rat
    Goose Eye - Chinook
    Kelham Island - King of the Rocket Men
    Salamander - Bionic
    Fullers - London Pride
    Wye Valley - Pint Bearer
    Liverpool Organic - William Roscoe
    Coastal - Hop Monster
    Island Ales - Wight Knight
    Two Roses - Galaxy
    Priors Well - Priors Gold
    White Rose - Black Buck
    Mallinsons - Garrard Ladbroke
    Accorn - Vanguard IPA
    Harbour - IPA
    Stonehouse - KPA
    Everards - Diamond Jubilee
    Liverpool Organic - Empire
    Rudgate - Lokis Mischief
    Imperial - Jubilee Bitter

    BOTW Goose Eye - Chinook
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  9. #9


    A very quiet week with only TT Landlord and the ever reliable BOTW Oakham Bishops Farewell tried.

  10. #10
    This Space For Hire Wittenden's Avatar
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    Not much time for the pub this week, though I managed to visit an al fresco bbq and micro beer fest at the Gun and Spitroast, Horsmonden on Jubilee Sunday.As it was drizzling I had a pint of Sun Top, a very pale golden Pale Ale from Old Dairy:citrus from the Amarillos, a bit of soul from the East Kent Goldings. The perfect beer for a perfect summer's day:it wasn't, so I had another for good luck.My BOTW.
    "At that moment I would have given a kingdom, not for champagne or hock and soda, or hot coffee but for a glass of beer" Marquess Curzon of Kedlestone, Viceroy of India.

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