Sounds very sensible, I agree.
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Sounds very sensible, I agree.
With no positive date for October being agreed I shall withdraw as I intend a long weekend away this month and need to get things booked. I think a rethink and new poll for date and possibly venue (...
Well lets take a decision by tonight, if it's going to be a no show I'll go with quinnos suggestion and a new date poll, as it stands I'm happy with the 21st but we need to make a decision now.
Big Steve can also make 21st.
So myself, BF, Gann and Tris have stated they can do 21st (don't know about Big Steve Yet), Quinno, Spinko and RP voted for the date, just missing out Pangolin who didn't vote for it, can you do it...
Which is really what I was asking here.
Happy with the 14th but It's literaly around the corner, the 21st gives some small leeway.
Can you do the 21st?
21st of oct for Cambridge ? Trains are good, only 5 voters, did everyone vote for the only dates they could do or prefered dates ? I can do any saturday realisticly and probably Fridays though means...
Big Steve is buggered on 14th, but ok for me, 28th is a pain but doable.
Unfortunately the 11th of Nov has the possibility of engineering works, can't be confirmed as of yet, there are certainly works on the Sunday which will effect me if I decide to stay over, which...
If we go for the 14th, it's an extra 2wks on the planned date of the 28th, who knows whats happening with the bloody trains in the future ( and not just Saturdays) :moremad:, Sounds like Novembers...
I think maybe we should go for that, maybe wait for some other views over the next 24 hours.
To further the conversation, the 14th of Oct is a little close and while works with the trains is not great on the accomodation front for me. The 4th of Nov suffers from the same rail complications...
Works for me but a quick decision is required, I'm thinking of stopping over on the Saturday night and things need to be booked.
Which would be rather ironic!
The only problem I can see, from the National Rail site, (currently) is a bus replacement from Royston to Cambridge adding 40 mins to the normal journey, unless Steve...
Well there should be at least 8 of us then. :D