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Type: Posts; User: RealAleRobUK; Excluded Forums: That Doesn't Go There!, Blog Tracker

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  1. So Northern won't be running any trains at all...

    So Northern won't be running any trains at all then?
  2. I'd imagine that train operators would be more...

    I'd imagine that train operators would be more likely to reduce the number of services they run or to reduce the number of carriages per train while fewer people are travelling.

    I was on several...
  3. Hmm, now that is interesting.

    Hmm, now that is interesting.
  4. You beat me to it! We're definitely getting a...

    You beat me to it! We're definitely getting a load of "new new" trains.
  5. I don't think there was any suggestion that the...

    I don't think there was any suggestion that the IRA went into the station affected and played a warning over the PA system with a mysterious code word.

    I'd imagine that once a newspaper, police...
Results 1 to 5 of 5