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Thread: 2016 gbg.

  1. #1
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    Default 2016 gbg.

    Mine dropped through the letter box this morning and glad to see a lot more detail under each pub entry of what ale they may be serving.In the past there was often just a "beer range varies " or a note of the regular ales and "guest beers" which gave little clue of what you may find.However in this 2016 edition often the number of changing beers,their sourcing (national,regional,local) and even some indication of likely breweries supplying the pub are all included.I noticed that What Pub has also been carrying more detail on the ale choice at various pubs.

    It's good to see CAMRA taking a leaf out of the Pubsgalore book ,where for many year several reviewers have been diligently noting real ale choices available when they have called into a boozer,an invaluable resource for someone like me searching for a top pint in an unknown town
    "Good people drink good beer" Hunter S Thompson

  2. #2
    I'll stay on me own
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bucking Fastard View Post

    It's good to see CAMRA taking a leaf out of the Pubsgalore book ,where for many year several reviewers have been diligently noting real ale choices available when they have called into a boozer,an invaluable resource for someone like me searching for a top pint in an unknown town
    What Pub have stated in the latest review of this pub The Bear and Lace that is does not stock any real ales.

    Well it does,i went in it yesterday to do an updated review for Pubs Galore and found four pumps on the bar with two in use and one with a clip turned round.
    I dont really think they have gone in there,i know people make mistakes,but you car'nt miss the pumps on this bar,i may have made a mistake about Daskino in my
    recent review,i could not find any pumps on the bar,but Nottingham Camra say they are on,so i must have not looked properly,i will on my next visit there to do an updated review of the pub.
    We are all equal,but some are more equal than others

  3. #3
    This Space For Hire Aqualung's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bucking Fastard View Post

    It's good to see CAMRA taking a leaf out of the Pubsgalore book ,where for many year several reviewers have been diligently noting real ale choices available when they have called into a boozer,an invaluable resource for someone like me searching for a top pint in an unknown town
    To be fair to the GBG rather than just making an off topic pointless swipe at CAMRA in general and What Pub, some pubs don't seem to do any regular beers and if they do the guests are completely random.
    The only way to find out if beers in a specific pub are permanent or variable is to ask the staff and I'm not prepared to do that. The same applies for opening hours.
    There is the other point that the GBG is always at least six months out of date when it is released unless it is a last minute critical change.

  4. #4
    This Space For Hire
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    Stopped buying the GBG years ago..If a pub is good enough to get in the guide they should say what beers you can sometimes get.Beer range varies is lazy.If you go in a multi pump pub often enough you will see that some brewers appear regularly because the pub likes the brewery or its cheap.There are few London pubs if any that just put on random beers.I get more gen on beers in London from Pubs Galore than I could get from GBG.Thank to you fellow reviewers. cheers

  5. #5
    This Space For Hire Aqualung's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by london calling View Post
    Stopped buying the GBG years ago..If a pub is good enough to get in the guide they should say what beers you can sometimes get.Beer range varies is lazy.If you go in a multi pump pub often enough you will see that some brewers appear regularly because the pub likes the brewery or its cheap.There are few London pubs if any that just put on random beers.I get more gen on beers in London from Pubs Galore than I could get from GBG.Thank to you fellow reviewers. cheers
    I won't be stopping getting the GBG any time soon as I have every issue including a photocopy of the pre 1974 prototype one.
    I would go along with what you say to a degree but in the sort of places that ring the changes a lot the "flavour of the month" does tend to change and most of the GBG content is six months out of date when it is released. In a lot of cases they seem to have replaced Beer Range Varies with other phrases that don't really tell you much more. As with What Pub some CAMRA branches do a much better job than others.

  6. #6
    Still about Mobyduck's Avatar
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    I only buy the GBG once every 2 or 3 years, I find the breweries section much more interesting(useful) than the pub side of things, I get much better pub info on this site.
    "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."

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