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Thread: Worst piece of art/memorabilia in a pub

  1. #1
    Official PG MILD tester Soup Dragon's Avatar
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    Default Worst piece of art/memorabilia in a pub

    Hi all

    I hate modern arty pubs - but today, at the Wheatsheaf, Laney Green, Cannocky way, i saw a piece of art that looked like a road traffic accident - blood and oil. This was in the dining area as well! These arty, modern, soulless pubs are bizarre - bloomin' twigs in a vase with fairy lights on - what the hell is that all about? That was at the Bear in Bridgnorth.

    I know some people may say they like that kind of thing, so for you, I have been to pubs that have witch puppets hanging from the ceiling and i have been to the Manor Arms in Rushall, where a childs arm (skeletal and now in Walsall museum) was found.

    Whatever your taste in pub decor - what is the worst, most bizarre, or darn right puzzling thing you have seen in a pub being passed off as a curio, or art?

  2. #2
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    I have been trying to think of anything like this and failed miserably, I think my brain just blanks them as I am sure there must have been some real tosh in some of the pubs I have visited.

    Instead however I shall tell you tales of The Ship, a pub I used to visit. It is in a good location to just stroll down to the centre of Bristol to catch a bus at the end of the night. One time in there with Dave though we were privileged to see a gentleman attacking the suggestions box with a screwdriver. Noticing our attention, he decided to chat to us when we found out he was the area manager and looking after the pub, having got there he was interested to see what suggestions were in there and discovered there was no key to the box (does this mean the box constitutes art?), hence his decision to force it. He turned out to be quite a good chap and we did actually carry on drinking there regularly through a few changes of management till 'the incident'.

    We turned up there to discover a new management family, including the children running round the bar like mad heads (I personally am not a kiddie fan, so this was disruptive enough). Clearly realising the children were not quite hyper enough the kindly new management decided to play the, at the time song of vogue, Crazy Frog .... 3 FECKING TIMES. So down with the drinks and never go back.

    Important Foot Note. The pub has been through at least 2 changes of management since this time and 1 renovation, so this review is truly out of date, I will pop into the pub next time I am in the area and try and get a new impression of it as it does not deserve to be damned by that review.


  3. #3
    Official PG MILD tester Soup Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    I have been trying to think of anything like this and failed miserably, I think my brain just blanks them as I am sure there must have been some real tosh in some of the pubs I have visited.

    Instead however I shall tell you tales of The Ship, a pub I used to visit. It is in a good location to just stroll down to the centre of Bristol to catch a bus at the end of the night. One time in there with Dave though we were privileged to see a gentleman attacking the suggestions box with a screwdriver. Noticing our attention, he decided to chat to us when we found out he was the area manager and looking after the pub, having got there he was interested to see what suggestions were in there and discovered there was no key to the box (does this mean the box constitutes art?), hence his decision to force it. He turned out to be quite a good chap and we did actually carry on drinking there regularly through a few changes of management till 'the incident'.

    We turned up there to discover a new management family, including the children running round the bar like mad heads (I personally am not a kiddie fan, so this was disruptive enough). Clearly realising the children were not quite hyper enough the kindly new management decided to play the, at the time song of vogue, Crazy Frog .... 3 FECKING TIMES. So down with the drinks and never go back.

    Important Foot Note. The pub has been through at least 2 changes of management since this time and 1 renovation, so this review is truly out of date, I will pop into the pub next time I am in the area and try and get a new impression of it as it does not deserve to be damned by that review.

    Ooooh! the little darlings.

    I guess it counts as living, or performance art. As does the time when all the bar staff at one place in Cannock dressed in St Trinians stuff for charity. Took them three days to get me out - happy days

  4. #4
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Used to be worth visiting The Hatchet for that reason, you never quite knew what you were in for. It is in one of the smarter areas of Bristol so the normal mix of suited people, 2 minutes walk away is the Queenshilling which can attract the camp end of the gay spectrum, and also at times The Hatchet has hosted the Spank event which is a regular fetish night in Bristol. A definite highlight was School Disco night for the 80's crowd at the Academy though, frequently people would come in for a quick drink at the Hatchet first.

    Definitely a pub to sit in and watch the World go by.

  5. #5
    Administrator Dave M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Historian View Post
    These arty, modern, soulless pubs are bizarre - bloomin' twigs in a vase with fairy lights on - what the hell is that all about?
    Twigs in a vase is a really good hint for me to turn around. It instantly tells me that their 'Good old fashioned burger' off their 'traditional pub grub' menu is going to set me back £12.95 and that I'm going to end up with a reassuringly very expensive lager to go with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    I was actually at the Ship when the internal photo that we have on the site was taken, having just had a careful look at it I notice they were actually serving Theakstons MILD that day. Ah well, I enjoyed my Summer Lightning.

  6. #6
    Official PG MILD tester Soup Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave M View Post
    Twigs in a vase is a really good hint for me to turn around. It instantly tells me that their 'Good old fashioned burger' off their 'traditional pub grub' menu is going to set me back £12.95 and that I'm going to end up with a reassuringly very expensive lager to go with it.

    I was actually at the Ship when the internal photo that we have on the site was taken, having just had a careful look at it I notice they were actually serving Theakstons MILD that day. Ah well, I enjoyed my Summer Lightning.
    These twigs had lights - so maybe add another fiver on the cost of the meal!

    You publicity seeking glory hunter - awaiting the headlines 'Dave snapped in pub' - Whilst Hopback is decent enough, i cant believe you gave up a Theakston's MILD for it - Son, you need therapy.

    Worries me a little that Mr C knows so much about the Bristol scenes? Research is it, Squire?

  7. #7
    Administrator Dave M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Historian View Post
    You publicity seeking glory hunter - awaiting the headlines 'Dave snapped in pub' - Whilst Hopback is decent enough, i cant believe you gave up a Theakston's MILD for it - Son, you need therapy.
    I would like to clarify that the person visible in the photo is not me but in fact a rather pleasant barmaid as I recall.

    Given that Milds are so rare down here there is no way I was asking for that, the nice barmaid might've assumed I couldn't handle a proper pint! It would've been like asking for a half!!

  8. #8
    Fully paid up beer belly Farway's Avatar
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    One to watch for sheer overpowering memorabilia is The Alex in Bognor Regis

    Went there last week, it is overwhelming, even has the classic bog seat on the wall with "funny" comment in the seat hole

    Worth visiting just to see how things can get out of hand

  9. #9
    Official PG MILD tester Soup Dragon's Avatar
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    Excellent review, mate - twee is a favourite word of mine, along with soulless!

  10. #10
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Farway has always been a bit of a star for the site. Highlight for me was his review of Titchfield Mill within days of me moaning in my blog.

    We have got loads of fantastic members on the site, and I am really hoping we can get some momentum on the forum, does make it a lot more fun working on the site knowing that people are getting something out of it.


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