Quote Originally Posted by london calling View Post
Got charged £5 for a pint of cask Darkstar-green hop ipa 6.5 in the Wenlock last night.Got charges £5 for my second pint of it as well.Stunning beer but sad that a pub like the Wenlock which was known for reasonable priced beer resorts to this sort of pricing.Added to my boycott list.
It was £3.80 at Cobbets in Dorking but could have been nearer £3.60 if I had remembered the CAMRA discount. I suspect yours was a lot better as mine was served from a cask on a warm day with no apparent cooling on it. I'm looking forward to seeing Dark Star adding to their estate. I believe they've got their eye on one in Hayward's Heath.
Their is no reason why keykeg should be significantly dearer than cask other than sheer greed (aka marketing). .
I don't have a boycott list for Central London as I try and boycott the entire area!