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Thread: Why we love JDW

  1. #1
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    Talking Why we love JDW

    I was in a JDW last Saturday afternoon, not the biggest bar in the empire by any means and not that busy, in fact when I arrived at the bar there was only one other customer being served by the solitary bar staff who actually saw me as our eyes met. He eventually finished taking the food order from this punter and looked around like a frightened rabbit at myself, another man lately arrived at the bar and the two giggling girls who were consulting the menu. The barman of course turned to the man immediately in front of him who had the good grace to point out who was actually next. The barman took my order, pulled half a pint, said “better let it settle” and after taking the money strode off to serve the other man. After a few minutes another JDW person arrived, Who's next?” I pointed at my half poured beer and she finished pouring the rest of the pint saying “oh it needs a top up”. It was drinkable but not terribly fresh.

    I then sat in the corner opposite a middle aged woman and her “beau” who was standing behind her, I soon became aware of a difference of opinion between the two as the frequency and volume of the swearing increased, I thought he was drunk and she was upset at this however I was soon disabused of this opinion when she slid off the leather seat onto the floor and he struggled to pick her up. After he had staggered out of the pub carrying his sweetheart I noticed the reason she had slid so gracefully to the floor – the large puddle of p*** on the seat and now a large puddle of p*** on the floor where she had come to rest. Quite a lot of p*** for such a small woman I thought. Someone attempted to take the seat but was soon dissuaded from this by a group of old lads who had also witnessed this artistic display. To give credit where it's due the JDW staff did eventually put a “cleaning in progress” sign over the puddle – needless to say no cleaning actually took place before I left shortly afterwards.

    So what features of your local 'spoons do you love?

  2. #2
    Real Ale Drinker
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    Sorry to hear that oldboots, quite disgusting service all round it seems from the staff and the half spooned couple,who no doubt continued there session in another watering hole,what a way to behave?

  3. #3
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldboots View Post
    I was in a JDW last Saturday afternoon, not the biggest bar in the empire by any means and not that busy, in fact when I arrived at the bar there was only one other customer being served by the solitary bar staff who actually saw me as our eyes met. He eventually finished taking the food order from this punter and looked around like a frightened rabbit at myself, another man lately arrived at the bar and the two giggling girls who were consulting the menu. The barman of course turned to the man immediately in front of him who had the good grace to point out who was actually next. The barman took my order, pulled half a pint, said “better let it settle” and after taking the money strode off to serve the other man. After a few minutes another JDW person arrived, Who's next?” I pointed at my half poured beer and she finished pouring the rest of the pint saying “oh it needs a top up”. It was drinkable but not terribly fresh.

    I then sat in the corner opposite a middle aged woman and her “beau” who was standing behind her, I soon became aware of a difference of opinion between the two as the frequency and volume of the swearing increased, I thought he was drunk and she was upset at this however I was soon disabused of this opinion when she slid off the leather seat onto the floor and he struggled to pick her up. After he had staggered out of the pub carrying his sweetheart I noticed the reason she had slid so gracefully to the floor – the large puddle of p*** on the seat and now a large puddle of p*** on the floor where she had come to rest. Quite a lot of p*** for such a small woman I thought. Someone attempted to take the seat but was soon dissuaded from this by a group of old lads who had also witnessed this artistic display. To give credit where it's due the JDW staff did eventually put a “cleaning in progress” sign over the puddle – needless to say no cleaning actually took place before I left shortly afterwards.

    So what features of your local 'spoons do you love?
    Sorry i was going to make a considered reply but i have just pissed myself laughing
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Oggwyn Trench View Post
    Sorry i was going to make a considered reply but i have just pissed myself laughing
    It wasn't you in drag was it?

  5. #5
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    My first instinct is to suggest she had heard the one about Bristol City holding onto a 1 goal lead in the last minute of a match, I know the idea is beginning to make me laugh

    I think you have nailed what I dislike about JDW though, it is not that they are bad pubs, they are frequently fine pubs. It is not that they are unfriendly it is that for me they always seem to fail to actually be friendly, at best I would call them efficient. I should say the same extends to pretty much any establishment done on a formula, they will inevitably have a checklist of things they have to do, rather than just be able to build their own personality.

  6. #6
    Pussy Galore No 1 Oggwyn Trench's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie86 View Post
    It wasn't you in drag was it?
    I`M 6`3 "and 15 stone so dont think i fit into small women , then again the wifes 4` 11" so maybe i do
    Back to Pervs Galore
    Theres a Man with a Mullet going Mad with a Mallet in Millets !

  7. #7


    The Commercial Rooms in Bristol was absolutely magic about 2 years ago. The manager was a bloke called Steve,the staff were good and the place was buzzing. But like anything,things change and now the piss sodden examples have returned. The aforementioned Steve lost interest big time and in time got the lever. (Leave or else.....) I remember one time explaining to visitors that they were in a Wetherspoons and they couldn't believe it. Alas now you'd spot it(or smell it!!) a mile off.

    I must say I had scoff and a pt last week in the Metropolitan by Baker St tube last week-the scoff and ale were 10/10,the place was tidy,the staff and manager were great. It was like being in the Commie Rooms at the start of this posting..............................

  8. #8
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    About two years ago 'Spoons/Lloyds in Worcester was very popular with Polish migrant workers. Whatever time you visited there was always a group sat in the smoking area chattering away while consuming Polish Lager or Magners Cider. The women were dressed like tarts, infact they may have been or had terrible sense of style, were often the focus of arguments. They were far more entertaining than reading the house magazine. They have gone now to pastures new.Come to think of it so has the single mothers creche. Perhaps it was a travelling circus.
    I have seen a woman stand up and pee on the floor. The effect on me must have been quite upsetting because I cannot remember where it happened.

  9. #9
    Humble Wordsmith ETA's Avatar
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    What I hate most about 'Spoons is that the beer in most of them is served too cold and frequently off. Second place of annoyances is the (often) poor service provided by badly trained staff with little interest.

    What I like about the chain as a whole is their willingness to serve a variety of beers, including local brews, often at reasonable prices. In addition, they often provide a useful role for otherwise unusable historic buildings and they have diversified (eg selling breakfast and coffee) thus making them quite a modern (in a good way) company.

    Overall, they're a good thing.

    Example of a bad spoons - The King's Highway in Inverness (one of the worst pubs in the town). Example of a good spoons - Last Orders in Edinburgh, where the beer is excellent.

    But I'm not complacent - I would hate every pub to be a spoons, especially those that are still independent village institutions.

  10. #10
    Waterborne Beer Inspector Bucking Fastard's Avatar
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    Old Boots has had a bad experience,and I can certainly recognise the scenario.In order to maintain balance,at least you know exactly what you are getting before you enter a JDW in terms of cheap pricing and a range of real ales.In many urban town centres there are an excess of vertical drinking bars and the JDW can be a beacon of hope in a real ale desert.The issue I have with JDW is the variable ale quality which is so dependent on the skill and dedication of the pub manager.The chain regularly move managers around ,and my experiences at The Plaza in Rugeley (wonderful ale to very poor and now I hear back to great in the space of 6 months) is replicated elsewhere.Just why so many JDW's are in the Good Beer Guide does escape me although I am sure someone can educate me.
    The other issue is that JDW managers seem reluctant to advise heavily intoxicated customers that another drink is inadvisable in their current condition.An owner occupier or tenant landlord will often sympathetically inform a punter who is one over the eight that enough is enough ,shame that is not in the JDW training manual.

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