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Thread: Pub Photography - A Risky Business?

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  1. #1
    Glass Half Full
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    Jun 2010


    Just an addition to this - to those of you that do photograph pubs, how do you go about it? Do you tell the landlord your intentions? I had a bloke last week sit down, wait until nobody was looking, take his shot (with full flash) and put the camera back in his bag so fast he made himself look suspect, rousing a few eyebrows from our baffled locals (and me); I'm assuming is was a pub enthusiast rather than a chancer taking a photo of one of our regular's kids but with no communication, who's to say.

  2. #2
    Get some gravy on it. Maldenman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ptg View Post
    Just an addition to this - to those of you that do photograph pubs, how do you go about it? Do you tell the landlord your intentions? I had a bloke last week sit down, wait until nobody was looking, take his shot (with full flash) and put the camera back in his bag so fast he made himself look suspect, rousing a few eyebrows from our baffled locals (and me); I'm assuming is was a pub enthusiast rather than a chancer taking a photo of one of our regular's kids but with no communication, who's to say.
    I rarely if ever take pictures inside the pub, mainly for the sort of reasons you hint at, I just don't want people to get the wrong idea. Where I have though I always ask permission and ensure that there are no unwilling participants in the photo.

  3. #3
    The Beerhunter. RogerB's Avatar
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    It depends on the circumstances. If a pub is empty I may sneak a couple in on my phone. I never use a flash - you can always adjust the light/contrast digitally afterwards and come up with a decent enough picture. Conversely, if a pub is packed I find it less intrusive as so many people take photos these days anyway I don't think it looks out of place although you end up with photos of people more than the pub.

  4. #4
    Glass Half Full
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    Jun 2010


    I'd have no objections to it - if we were in the loop. We're a friendly pub, but do have a couple of reformed customers who still exhibit a little bit of paranoia, and I'd rather be able to diffuse them (and probably talk them in to posing/moving out of the way) than have to drag them off of someone who's seemingly taking a photo for no reason. With the fella I'm talking about, the flash drew attention to him, and the way he acted did him no favours.

    I'd quite like someone who could take some decent interior shots of the pub that could send me a copy in return for letting them photograph it, it'd save the amateurish photos that usually end up on our website.

  5. #5
    I'll stay on me own Alesonly's Avatar
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    Last week whilst I was sitting in the Spoons one quiet afternoon a large group of very nice looking woman came in & sat at the large table in the middle of the bar so there was only them & me. When I looked up from reading my paper I noticed they were all comparing nice frilly Red & Black lacy underwear & Bras & Knickers I was very nearly tempted to sneak a few pictures in. Oh thats underwear they had just brought not what they were wearing. Mind you the way they were dressed did not leave much to the imagination.
    Don't You just hate Pubs that say
    ( We don't stock any Real Ales as theres Just no call for it.)

  6. #6
    Fully paid up beer belly Farway's Avatar
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    I rarely take interiors, but if pub is fairly empty and I consider interior has some merit from a photography view point, I ask the publican, and I try & avoid anyone drinking

    So far all publicans I asked have been more than happy for me to photograph inside, I always mention I will be uploading to PuG so maybe it helps. Some even volunteer extra information and a few offer to show me round, one even bought me drink [but it was an Open Day, I suspect they thought I was real "press"]

    But as I look like a harmless old git I could assume they may be humouring me until the ambulance & straight jacket arrives

  7. #7
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    If no one is about then snap it but asking don't cost anything and humour can get you a long way.. An interior shot should be just that and not a line up of boozy customers. I do not use flash, just stick it on the table and let the gizmos sort out the exposure.
    The Publicans probably have me slated like Farway, a candidate for care in the community and thankfully only armed with a camera and not a Japanese sword or a shotgun.

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