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So Rishi Sunak has unexpectedly called a General Election for July 4th. As with previous elections, I have created a poll on people’s voting intentions. I’ve put it in the sidebar, but for those reading this on a phone, which is probably the majority now, I’ve repeated it below.POLL: How will you vote in the General Election on July 4th?
Liberal Democrat
Plaid Cymru/SNP
Reform UK
Do not intend to vote free polls

There is a direct link to the poll here. Feel free to comment on the election, although please try to retain a modicum of politeness!
The results of my poll on the 2019 General Election can be seen here.
And there is a crumb of good news in that the appalling legislation for a generational smoking ban has fallen victim to the wrap-up process of dealing with outstanding bills. Obviously Labour, who have never seen a ban they didn’t like, are highly likely to revive it, but we have to take every win when we can.
