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The hops used were all English. With the majority coming from Kent and the remainder from Sussex. Logically enough, as those were the two closest hop-growing regions to London.

The hops are mostly pretty fresh, most coming from either the most recent season, or the season before that, cold stored. (That’s what the CS stands for.)

East Kent, the poshest of hops, appears in the poshest and most expensive beers: the Pale Ales and the Strong Ales.

Which varieties were these hops? The East Kents were probably Goldings, or something similar. Those described simply as Kent were more likely Fuggles. Not sure about the Sussex hops. Maybe they were Fuggles, too.
Young's hops in 1932
Beer Style hop 1 hop 2 hop 3
A Mild Kent 1930 CS Kent 1930
X Mild Kent 1930 CS Sussex 1931
XXX Strong Ale Kent 1930 CS EK 1931
XXXX Strong Ale Kent 1930 CS EK 1931
PAB Pale Ale EK 1931 Kent 1930 Kent 1930
PA Pale Ale EK 1931 Kent 1930 Kent 1930
P Porter Kent 1930 CS Sussex 1931
S Stout Kent 1930 CS Sussex 1931
Young's brewing record held at Battersea Library, document number YO/RE/1/1.
