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Thread: How many pints?

  1. #1
    Real Ale Drinker
    Join Date
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    lost on a golf course

    Default How many pints?

    Watched an old couple of farmers in a pub drinking pint after pint of beer (mild) never see either of them pay for the rounds,they were totally smashed by early evening and do not know how they got home,i asked at the bar about them to which the girl replied they drink here everyday from 11:00 am until they can hardly stand,they drink around 18 pints each and nearly all the beer is paid for by regulars who feel sorry for them.....someone please feel sorry for me i replied.
    This got me round to thinking how much can i drink (nowhere near that amount) probably 10 pints on a good shift maybe more depending on the company and obviously how one feels at the time.

    So the question to you many pints would you get through on a session? be honest and tell the truthdo you top up with a short or chaser as well to round it off

    Oh by the way the 2 men are aged 87 and 83 and look a picture of health...must say something about the beer.

  2. #2
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    One thing is for certain their internal organ must be worth keeping in specimen jars and they will come pre pickled. Being honest I must admit three to four pints of ale is as much ale I can drink before the dreaded "bloat" sets in followed by heartburn. I tend to stick with three and avoid the acid and and burps. A couple of shorts after do not cause any problems ,it appears to be the bulk.

  3. #3
    Get some gravy on it. Maldenman's Avatar
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    When out my biggest issue is bladder capacity. If I can cover that with pre planned stops en route home I'm ok with 10 or so over a full day. A night out though is more limited to 5 or 6 tops.

  4. #4
    Real Ale Drinker Crossste's Avatar
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    I find these replies very reassuring as 5-6 is now my limit.

    Thought i was becoming a bit of a lightweight in my dotage.

  5. #5
    Real Ale Drinker
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    lost on a golf course


    Amazing some days drink and drink other times 4 or 5 and completly cream crackered,thanks for your honesty guys, i thought i was the only lightweight who couldnt drink to many or i am getting old and cannot be bothered,the old men should donate there organs,would be interesting to see the results.....anyway you made me feel better,i am heading to germany tomorrow for a few days working,we have a free night in Munich on sunday so i think a sample of a few of there ales will be in order...

  6. #6
    This Space For Hire Wittenden's Avatar
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    In my youth I could put away 10,but as I'm a mean old sod i thought it a waste after the first 5 or 6. Nowdays on our annualish get to gethers with friends from the 10 pint days I can usually manage 5 over a long period with plenty of food and water breaks. Normally 3 is my maximum.I try to leave the shorts alone.

  7. #7
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Used to be that I could easily drink 6-8 pints on a night out. These days, more than 3 and I am wrecked, also a good meal is a necessity to soak the drink up.

  8. #8
    Inndigestion Strongers's Avatar
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    On an all day session I’d get through an indeterminate amount as nobody would ever remember let alone keep count. The weekend night out that I hold dear will see me drink eight pints of Pride (no Guinness on tap) in my local from 7 till 23.30 and then I’ll have a pint of Youngs in the midnight close pub beside the tube station.

    No hangover in the morning due to three pre boiled eggs consumed on entry to 'be quiet towers'.

  9. #9
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    I forgot to mention that simply the cost of beer can be a restictive factor on regular drinking. Pretty sure those old farmer boys would not be able to afford drink such copious amounts if they were paying.
    The ordering of rounds, I have noticed,has declined sharply in my area.

    ( I read somewhere recently that beer costs 7 pence per pint to produce. We all know where the rest goes...Gordons pocket. Makes you weep)

  10. #10
    The Beerhunter. RogerB's Avatar
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    Dartford, Kentshire near Londinium.


    I never seem to reach the stage that I could realistically answer the question . As a rough guide, I am usually still going strong up to 15 pints if I pace myself but could easily hit 20 under the right circumstances.

    I think the biggest session I ever had centred on a ladies darts match challenge. An old regular of a pub in Dartford called Angus bought a pub in Lincolnshire (the Blue Bell, Luddington) and we arranged a ladies darts match as an excuse to send up about 20 of us in a mini bus. The whole village was there to greet us and we just never had a pint out of our hand. At one stage the session stretched across both pubs in the village and opening hours went out the window - it was a pretty isolated village. At one stage, a villager knocked on the door and threatened to call the police because of the noise (Angus had arranged a live band that didn't even start until midnight). He just pointed to the local bobbies who were occupying one corner of the pub joining in with the occasion. We probably went through to about 4 or 5 in the morrning before crashing out wherever there was a flat surface, including one guy who kipped on the pool table. The cleaner got a bit of a shock in the morning and ended up hoovering around the bodies as Max, the not terribly friendly guard dog, stood growling at anyone that rose from their slumbers. I think we calculated that we had about 25/26 pints throughout the night and we still arranged a lunchtime session before getting the mini bus home. Sadly both pubs in the village are now closed but I'm sure the session is now part of local folklore.

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