Quote Originally Posted by Wittenden View Post
...neither of which I'm likely to revisit for logistical reasons.
I see where you're coming from. And I had similar qualms myself (see #2 above). But if they were among your 10 best pub visits and therefore the best pubs (in your opinion), why not stick to your gut feeling? The whole point of this thread (it seems to me) is to get a look at what each of us have discovered in our various trawls of this country's pubs.

If we all liked the same 10 pubs, how sad (and tedious) would that be?

We've all previously had a go at some of the pub lists provided by "connoisseurs" of one sort or another (mostly journalists - and I don't use the word in a derogatory sense), so this is our opportunity. This is our forum: be bold, be positive, take ownership.

It's not about arriving at a "Pubs Galore Top 100" (at least, I would argue against such an approach). It's about sharing amongst ourselves on this forum what it is we like about pubs, wherever we may find them.

I like the way Quinno exclaims at recalling pubs that others have rated in their top 10s that almost made his own. I like the words of wisdom from John : "One thing I have found out over the years of reviewing pubs on this site is my opinion of a pub changes with multiple visits but you can only review it as you find it." I like it that you, Wittenden, enjoyed the quirky Three Stags Heads even though you're never likely to go there again - a friend that I was talking to down the pub tonight recalled a time when we visited that pub a few years ago, and we may visit again as a result; we live 20 miles from Wardlow Mires. I like recognising the names of pubs others have listed but I haven't - why is it a 7 for me but a 10 for them? (And vice versa - and does it matter? No, obviously not.)

I like the regional biases - nothing from Basingstoke, obviously - and this is where we get one over on the aforementioned experts, since we're (collectively) from all over the country, and - more to the point - we travel to other parts of the country with the intention of seeking out and enjoying the pubs that we find there. If they have views and walks as well, that's just a bonus.

Oh, and if anyone has recommended a pub on this thread but not actually written a review, please do so asap to spare your blushes.

(Don't forget to take photos too.)