Quote Originally Posted by Millay View Post
Hi Roger, I'll be interested to hear what you thought of St Albans' pubs, especially the Blacksmiths Arms if you got there. They have a special 'Hoppy' Easter beer festival on 1-5 April where they'll be having a lot of heavily hopped beers.
Of the 11 pubs we did this weekend, only 2 were duplicated from my previous crawl around town 3 or 4 years ago. There is still another 7 or 8 that I have on my radar that I still haven't been to, including the Blacksmiths. My scheduled footy for the Saturday that weekend is at Waltham Abbey so I'll be half way to St Albans anyway and I don't need too much of an excuse to pay the town a visit. It all depends on transport sutuation but I could well pay the Blacksmiths (and a few others) a visit.