Quote Originally Posted by oldboots View Post
I wouldn't argue with anything on your list A&H, other possiblities are of course the Scarborough, Cross Keys, Midnight Bell and North.

There are also the 12 and 13 buses which go to Hunslet centre every 10 mins and which stop in Vicar Lane U7 ( handy for North/Templar even Reliance), New Market St K4 (nice and central and close to the Tap) and Meadow Lane T10 (handy for Adelphi) they also stop in Meadow Lane T12 and New Briggate N1 coming back from Hunslet.

The Brewery Tap sounds like a good place to meet, it has to be there or the Scarborough really, I hope no-one was going to suggest the White Rose
Surely it has to be Spencers