Hi all.
I'm brand new to this website, but thought you might be interested in this event we've got going on @ The Old Chestnut Tree, Lower Moor, Pershore (Worcestershire).


On 19th March, The Old Chestnut Tree is holding their annual Pie Bake event - this first installment being the men only competition (dates for womens event soon to be announced).

All pies MUST be savoury!

Pie pastries must be homemade and shortcrust - no supermarket pastries or fillings please!

Each pie has to have a 9-inch diameter (approx).

Pie thickness has to be 1.5 inches minimum.

Pastry has to cover the whole of each pie - i.e. side, bottom and top.

Any savoury filling is allowed.

Each contestant will be asked to swear over the cooking bible of their choice (Delia, Nigella, Nigel or Jamie etc) that they have made the pie
entirely themselves.

Pies have to be in the pub by 3.00pm on the day of the competition, ready for re-heating in the pub-oven if required.

The judge’s decision is final!

Entries will be judged by the pubs own board of allocated pie connoisseurs!

Following the competition we will auction off the pies or sell them off by the slice, with all proceeds going to the Village playground fund.

So! if you want to be in with a chance of winning all the glory, plus a chance to take home the Pie Bake Trophy Cup for a year (until next years competition)...get your recipes and rolling pins out...and GET BAKING!

The Lower Moor Annual Pie Bake will be taking place at 3pm on March 19th, at The Old Chestnut Tree.
Please ask in Pub or phone for details (01386 860380).

On Facebook? follow the link to the event for RSVP, and join The Old Chestnut Tree Facebook Group!

More events in the coming months...watch this space!