Hi all,

I am back. Almost a year after taking a break from the world of online pub reviewing. Having popped my head round the door it looks like things here are chugging along nicely and I feel that I want to get involved again. I've missed it but I'm glad I took a break as I've had plenty of other stuff to attend to (like getting married!).

Anyway, before I took a year off I recall a thread on here whereby people like me who had migrated from The Other Site asked whether it was possible to add their old reviews from their to PUG with a backdated time stamp.

Is this still possible as I'd like to get started with my 800+ I tried searching but couldn't find the thread in question.

I've also got another 200-odd pubs I've ticked in the meantime that I need to make a start on but would like to get the back catalogue sorted first.
