Visit the Beer. Bierra. Bier. site

I’m off to New York City soon and my heart is set on two things: beer and beef. The missus keeps talking about shops and sightseeing, but I’ve chosen to put this down to her odd sense of humour*. I’ve got a rough list of destinations sketched out but, if a job in IT has taught me anything, it’s that the Internet always knows best. So, The Internet, let’s have it. Where does an Englishman in New York go when he wants good food and good beer?

Katz’s Deli
Fette Sau
Shake Shack
Burger Joint
5 Napkin
Nathan’s (if we can get out that far)
Dinosaur BBQ

Brooklyn Brewery
Rattle ‘n’ Hum
Blind Tiger

Wholefoods Bowery
New Beer Distributors

Crowdsourcing GO!

*Of course, I’m joking. Shops for the day, food and beer for the evening.

Picture from here.
