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Thread: Is it time to name and shame the poor standards provided in pubs.

  1. #1
    Real Ale Drinker
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    Default Is it time to name and shame the poor standards provided in pubs.

    Nothing annoys me more than to visit a pub and be treated with very poor facilities and service,we pay enough for our beer and should expect good hospitality and service.
    Many publicans provide excellant service along with fantastic offers on very good food,but for some they just do not care anymore,should these pubs be added to a list of not to visit.

    Hopefully this will stop families being ripped of in the future,helping others to avoid our mistakes might be an incentive to all concerned.

  2. #2
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilly-Miss View Post
    ...........but for some they just do not care anymore,should these pubs be added to a list of not to visit. Hopefully this will stop families being ripped of in the future,helping others to avoid our mistakes might be an incentive to all concerned.
    I guess this is linked to your unfortunate Slough experience

    I'm not in favour of black lists, after all one man's meat and all that. In any case all sorts of trouble could result from publishing black lists. There are plenty of pubs I wouldn't use but are often packed out so who should judge?

    The best advice is to use the review sites and read the reviews carefully to weed out the obvious "axe to grind" merchants. This site tends to emphasize the good points of pubs and any negativity usually tends to be more subtle than on certain other sites. Personally I prefer the PG way. Why not write a full and frank review of what was good and what was bad, if you come across a poor pub?

  3. #3
    Real Ale Drinker
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    Good comment actually,it was probably me getting carried away and venting my anger with the Slough experience,but fair comment from you made me realise the implications it could raise.

  4. #4
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Thanks OB, you have pretty much expressed my opinion completely. I may add more later when I have a little more time, but there is the obvious potential for black lists to be abused. As it is we see the (very) occasional reviewer come in and rave about 1 pub and then leave bad reviews of all pubs within 2 streets, as long as they don't cross the line we leave them alone (although do ask the question 'I wonder which pub they work at?').

    There is also the horses for courses aspect, different people view different things as good, 10 years ago I loved pubs with loud music, nowadays I am more likely to walk out to find somewhere I can chat. Ultimately I would like to see PG go the way of other social sites and provide you with the tools to make sense of what is on our site. If you have read ob's reviews and agree with them you should be able to work out which pubs ob liked and prioritise them, equally if you think his choices are rubbish you might want to ignore his reviews. If we can get this working then I think we can begin looking at the negative aspects. As it is if you have already left positive reviews on the site, we are far less likely to think about removing your review as you have demonstrated your preferences and envalued your opinion.

    At the moment if I was blacklisting things it would be Virgin media, nice of them to choose New Years to do maintenance on my connection, because of course I wont be wanting to use it then . I am amazed Richard Branson lets his brand anywhere near those idiots! I'm off for a drink

  5. #5
    Real Ale Drinker
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    Please dont get me started on about that man who wants to control everything the world offers,we could write all night about him sad little man.

  6. #6
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    This is the reason for sites such as P G existing. However there are times when an off the cuff decision is made to go for a drink in a strange pub. The sound level on entry would have made me do an about turn.
    I do not rate pubs because ,as O.B. has stated, people look for different things in a pub visit.Personally ,my way of looking at pubs has recently changed but I hope to carry on reporting the accessibility of premises by wheel chair users. A pub full of lager drinking, grass smoking knuckle-draggers with over loud entertainment may be hell to me but they like it and I am the one treading on their turf. A report in the review section should point out the sort of pub it is but it should not necessarily be in the negative. Try to be even handed. However bad service is bad service. I am afraid I have visited more evil toilets than good ones. Staff may sign the rota sheet saying they have been visited but thats as far as it goes. Poor maintenance is also to blame with leaking toilets and washbasins. You just don't know.

  7. #7
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    I have to admit pub toilets have never been a major deciding point for me as long as they are separate from the pub. All these mentions have reminded me of this amusing site though.

  8. #8
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    I have to admit pub toilets have never been a major deciding point for me as long as they are separate from the pub. All these mentions have reminded me of this amusing site though.
    Brilliant site Conrad, bit too much on the pub not enough on the karzies though, bit like pub review sites that concentrate on how good the chicken breasts stuffed with feta cheese are and totally ignore the ale

    I have book marked it already but I do worry about how you found it

  9. #9
    Real Ale Drinker
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    Very good link, i am also of the same opinion as oldboots? LOL

  10. #10
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    I honestly don't remember, it may well be Dave's fault, we have had a link for it on the PG link page for quite a while.

    I know I always found the toilet site amusing as when me and Dave used to go out for drinks every week there used to be a certain inevitability about me wondering back from the toilets at some point in the night with a toilet story, even if it was just to moan that the people in there had no appreciation for urinal etiquette!

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