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Thread: Some York corrections

  1. #11
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    It wasn't meant to be fair, it was meant to suggest there comes a point where this gets irritating to me, a point that is surpassed and now out of sight of the rear view mirror.

    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post
    Just because Trevor Bailey is a "one dropper" who has written to his local paper, it doesn't mean he is wrong about this. Similarly, just because Alan Winfield is a tremendous and highly valued contributor to Pubs Galore, it doesn't mean he is right.
    This is one of those sentences that can as well be written Just because Alan Winfield is a tremendous and highly valued contributor to Pubs Galore, it doesn't mean he is wrong about this. Similarly, just because Trevor Bailey is a "one dropper" who has written to his local paper, it doesn't mean he is right.

    It is superfluous and didn't need to be mentioned, ever.

    I don't think you are messing up the areas, I think I have repeatedly said I don't want to hear about them, if it was intended for Alan, PM him. If it is intended for me post it in this forum so I can act on it.

  2. #12
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Nov 2006


    Ok, I will try and make a slightly calmer post to reduce alienation I am probably causing.

    The That Doesn't Go There! forum is intended to tell me about corrections that need to be made to the site. As such it is not indexed as part of the What's New? on the forum so that members who just want to chat don't get bothered by it.

    On the flip side, whilst I read all the forums, I will pay special attention to this one and I will try and understand any changes that are requested in it. This means that any posts in here will by necessity take my time (or Dave's) to give them this attention. Even now looking at the first post it is not clear to me what action this requires:
    Quote Originally Posted by sheffield hatter View Post
    I have moved The Leeman Hotel to a new area called Leeman Road, together with The Junction Brewhouse and The Jubilee. This is in response to the review by Trevor Bailey on the Leeman - he is quite right, having visited recently with his comments in mind, I can confirm this is a distinct area quite separate from Holgate.
    If it is a courtesy call for Alan all well and good, but I don't see his name there (and it should be in another subforum).

    Taking it a step further, whilst I can't speak for Alan, the way I interpreted his comments in the Reviews thread is that due to a series of reviews that were very personally contradicting him he was getting frustrated by the site. From that perspective I know I would be unimpressed by what you wrote (Alan was presumably fine though as he can speak for himself).

    From my perspective, I am sh*t at geography and it genuinely doesn't engage me, my perspective is to make this site as usable as possible. I struggle to believe that the addition of Leeman Road to the site as an area will bring it more visitors or make that pub more findable. It does however clearly make it more comfortable for our regular members so I am happy enough for it to go on in the background where it can happily moderate itself and I can get on with doing the things that I think are important (possibly completely wrongly).

    From any perspective I can see that sentence would definitely constitute what I think is Too Much Information, and continued in that vein in later posts - I don't care about Trevor Bailey, as far as I am concerned his only purpose in posting was to cause trouble or troll (mission accomplished). If you, as another of our tremendous and highly valued contributors, are saying it is in Leeman Road that is good enough for me.

    This whole conversation would be fine, but while it takes place in this area (subforum) of the forum I feel duty bound to try and give it attention.

    I think if there are any further comments, then if they are intended for me and not the forum, just PM me. If they are intended for everyone then either start a new thread or expect me to split it into another location in the forums.

  3. #13
    I'll stay on me own
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    When i reviewed the three pubs in what i thought was the Holgate area of York i stated these pubs were in the Holgate area i did this after looking on an OS map, York street map and a York real ale guide none of these mentioned an area called leeman road but all pointed to an area called Holgate.

    Trevor bailey and sheffield hatter think i am wrong in calling the area Holgate i am not going to argue about this but they will have to get in touch with Ordnance Survey and York camra branch to get this new area added to maps and pub guides.

    PS I would have replied earlier but i have been having problems with my internet connection over the last few days.

  4. #14
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    I say chaps lets not get all aerated about 3 pubs in an obscure corner of York - the new system of areas really sorts that out, ie by letting people put pubs where they think best seems to work for me.

    I don't think there's much requirement for administrative involvement in the current York areas or further comments on the existing areas; so this probably isn't the place for "angels dancing on the heads of pins" type discussions. Shall we accept everyone has a valid view on the subject but for the sake of three pubs we should drop this and move on ?

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