I see that the pubs in Salisbury City Centre have been placed into a new area called "Salisbury Town". At risk of being pedantic, Salisbury is a city, so if this new area is required (I'm not convinced it is as it isn't that large a city, and an unqualified "Salisbury" should suffice to differentiate it from the suburbs of Harnham and Laverstock) it ought really to be called "City Centre".

On balance, though, I think it is easier not to have the Centre area at all as it probably excludes various SP1/SP2 postciode areas which don't really have their own names (unless we start using descriptors such as "Wilton Road Area", "Old Sarum Area", "Station Area" etc which would, in their turn, cause their own confusions (overlaps, single-pub areas etc).

No offence intended to the person who made the placements, and I won't lose sleep over it - it's just that they don't really add any value and possibly detract fom the peripheral pubs.