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Thread: Watch out Conrad, new kid on the block for pub reviews

  1. #21
    This Space For Hire gillhalfpint's Avatar
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    It's the places I have not heard of on the list that gets me. Only been here 28 years so thought I knew everywhere in the mile radius.

    Believe it was said that Cola was one of the site supporters which may explain chippy or tea total type places, though why enter on a pub site is beyond me. Forget it!

  2. #22
    This Space For Hire aleandhearty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farway View Post
    The site is backed by drinks companies Diageo - which owns Guinness, Smirnoff and Gordon's gin - Heineken UK and Coca-Cola, which will receive feedback on drink purchasesThursday 18th November 2010
    Diageo aren't doing this out the kindness of their heart. It strikes me as thinly disguised market research. On the 'score your local' section of the site it states:

    We love pubs. And we'd like to knowwhat you think and the pubs and drinks you enjoy, or not.

    Like everyone else, I checked out my local area and the listings are woefully inaccurate. Mind you it's early days and with the amount of money being thrown at the site I wouldn't write it off just yet.
    'And where he supped the past lived still. And where he sipped the glass brimmed full' John Barleycorn, Carol Ann Duffy.

  3. #23
    This Space For Hire
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    My guess is a lot of the names came out of reps' notebooks - that would explain incorrect spellings, incorrect names even, wrongly formatted phone numbers (0208 etc) and even mobile numbers.

    Strangely they don't seem to cover the station bars - I was going to contribute a glowing review of the renowned Boadicea - a fine example of an Olde English hostelry, buxom serving wenches, foaming tankards, a must see for all visitors to our green and pleasant land - but sadly my hopes were dashed.

  4. #24
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Interesting stuff, I have only had a quick glance at it. I look forward to hearing Dave's opinion, he is far better at reading these things than me.

    IMO, the listings can be rubbish, it is not a problem as long as they are willing to take feedback and correct them. I don't think the feedback system was particularly good for that though from my brief glance.

    Their publican offering is good, it pretty much matches exactly with the sort of thing I had in mind in the future for PuG.

    Clearly got some sensible backing though, and some nice ideas as well.

  5. #25
    Fully paid up beer belly Farway's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    and some nice ideas as well.
    Is that code for a rip off "Homage" being done on PuG

  6. #26
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Sorry I missed this bit of the first post:
    Quote Originally Posted by Farway View Post
    Oh Oh, looks like the PuG cards are also about to have big competition

    "100 million beermats hit pubs

    Thursday 18th November 2010

    As part of our plan to get more people scoring pubs and their drinks the first of 100 million beermats are now printed and hitting pubs. Our friends at John Smith's have been the first our of the stalls to let their drinkers know about the new service - which we guess is what you'd expect from the Grand National sponsor!
    Well we reckon there are in the order of 50,000 pubs in the UK, so that is 2,000 beermats for each pub. They have a gift for creative numbering across their site as far as I can tell. That sort of thing does irritate me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Farway View Post
    I note also from article that internet deliveries are about to made to local pub, which for many will be a very useful service
    That has been around for a while and I think they have lost that game, I suspect over the next few years Collect+ may stitch that up, I have used them and it is a good idea, not sure if they are in pubs yet though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Farway View Post
    Is that code for a rip off "Homage" being done on PuG
    I didn't say new ideas . It has re-iterated to me that facilities would be something we should add soonish though.

  7. #27
    Administrator Dave M's Avatar
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    I've been keeping an eye on the site since it first launched in a blaze of publicity about 2 years ago. I have to admit that I did like the original concept of using pubs for parcel deliveries and thought it would probably do quite well - particularly with the backing it has from Scottish & Newcastle (Heineken basically!). A pub fairly near to me signed up quite early on and I kept it in the back of my mind in case I ever needed to use it.

    About 6 months ago I caught a news item saying that they now had 1,000 pubs signed up so I took another look because that sounded impressive. It turned out that I could find no new ones offering parcel delivery in my area and the one I knew about had stopped taking them! What was more noticable even then was that they had become more of a review site and had shifted away from the original concept.

    As Conrad was saying it looks as if they may possibly have lost the parcel marketplace to Collect+. Having just done a few searches of the entire BS postcode area (1,022 pubs) I found that they only have 2 accepting parcels.

    It is frustrating to see how much publicity they get for a service that barely exists, but as things are they are raising the profile of pub reviewing and hopefully that should lead a few more people to PuG too! I will of course be continuing to keep an eye on their progress.

    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    Well we reckon there are in the order of 50,000 pubs in the UK, so that is 2,000 beermats for each pub. They have a gift for creative numbering across their site as far as I can tell. That sort of thing does irritate me.
    I like the quote in the press release "Being able to reach over 100 million people, at the precise moment they’re having a drink, is a fantastic way to get everyone scoring". So it would seem the plan is that beer mats are being rationed at one per person and that the adult population of the UK has suddenly doubled. If anyone is curious about their beermats you can see samples of them here.

  8. #28
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave M View Post
    If anyone is curious about their beermats you can see samples of them here.
    Oh man, those are really tasteless.

    My initial take on looking at the second image was to wonder what decade they were from. If an individual makes a comment about the barmaid (or indeed the barman) flirting with them, then fairplay. But to base an advertising campaign on it for beermats, it just seems to be asking for trouble. I decided to ask my wife what she made of them to see what her instant response was, "Who is that aimed at" (although clearly John Smith's drinkers on reflection )

  9. #29
    I'll stay on me own
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    I have just checked the site and of the 20 listed within 1 mile of my house

    There are 3 clubs and one of these closed 15 years ago

    1 pub knocked down houses on site 1 pub closed for about 3 years and 1 pub on list twice.
    Not very good

  10. #30
    Just Missed the Round Evil Gazebo's Avatar
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    Joining in on the fun, I put in my postcode. The only notable thing (in amongst all the closed down and renamed pubs as found by everyone else), was one pub which has a picture by its name. The photo must have been submitted in the last few months, due to alterations to the front, so at least one licensee must be taking the site seriously.
    Last edited by Evil Gazebo; 22-11-2010 at 17:29.
    And you can really taste the hops!

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