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Thread: Reviewing standards

  1. #101
    I'll stay on me own Andy Ven's Avatar
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    I don't really want to view a site that contains libellous comments or tit for ta slanging matches but this review from the other side made me smile (read it from the bottom up)
    Waes hael!

  2. #102
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Nov 2006


    I thought I recognised the trouble starting review. I am kind of glad we never got the reply as I think we would have deleted it as having nothing to do with the pub, although it did make me smile. I have a feeling it was a review mentioned on the first couple of pages of this thread (don't worry I don't expect anyone to remember).

  3. #103
    This Space For Hire aleandhearty's Avatar
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    Possibly going off at a slight tangent, one thing I'm becoming increasingly uncomfortable with is the age of some of the reviews being submitted. The review of the Bear & Staff in Strand that appeared yesterday is a perfect example.

    The review was from March 2007 and yet appears above one from Feb 2010 (albeit composed in Dec 2009). As these 'recent' reviews are the ones that appear on RPOTD I don't think they are doing the image of PuG any favours. I would be the first to agree that where a pub has no review these old reviews are better than none. However, if a pub already has a recent review I would question the relevance of such old copy. For that reason I never transferred many of my reviews over from BITE, reasoning that things are likely to have changed with the passing months.

    For the record, if this appears to be targeted specifically at JAQPTIO/rpadam then I apologise. That was not my intention. However, it's a topic we all need to think about.
    'And where he supped the past lived still. And where he sipped the glass brimmed full' John Barleycorn, Carol Ann Duffy.

  4. #104
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    I think this primarily an rpadam and Soup Dragon choice, Dave can tell me if more people are doing it.

    Neither of them used the tool we threw together to amend the dates, and both have been clear in their reviews when the review dated from. The bigger difference is that Soup was pretty much the first in most of his locations so it doesn't really notice that the dates are wrong on his reviews as they don't appear out of sequence.

    For me it is more important to have the useful reviews on the pub even if at this point they are out of sequence, we are seeing that where there is activity it generates activity, for instance see how much Birmingham perked up with Andy's efforts and then the conversations just spawned more and more input. It is not ideal, but I think it is part of a mini transition we are going through at the moment. RP(OTD) is constrained to reviews from the last 30 days so it will wash through that, and hopefully we will get more new reviews which will make it less relevant the information is out of sequence.

    I have to admit for me the worst thing we are doing at the moment is changing the names of the pubs but showing the old pictures with wrong names. There is no way I want to lose those images but I really would like to make the timeline of the pub a lot clearer.

    All In My Humble Opinion, not the word of law there.

  5. #105
    The Beerhunter. RogerB's Avatar
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    I must adnmit I was beginning to get a bit miffed with them. I assume RP didn't get the same "review migration" opportunity that some of us did where by our old reviews slotted nicely into the PG calander so I can see why he has done it and at least it is open for all to see. Hopefully they will all get overtaken in due course and I must admit, if there is one I spot and I have a review pending for the same pub, I try and put it to the top of my pile.

  6. #106
    The Beerhunter. RogerB's Avatar
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    Ah, Conrad seems to have answered half my thoughts before I pushed the "submit" button.

  7. #107
    Official PG MILD tester Soup Dragon's Avatar
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    I think most of the reviews i migrated were within 4 months of August 2009, when i started posting - so within a realistic time frame, most before that were redone after another visit. All after the end of August-ish were new.

    I have reviewed the Case is Altered here - the first pub of my infamous Solihull trip - i thought it was class.

    and yes, Andy - i know the chap in Flans didnt quite agree with me, but then, it serves the best beer in the world!

  8. #108
    I'll stay on me own Andy Ven's Avatar
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    Black Country


    [QUOTE=Conrad;12225] I have to admit for me the worst thing we are doing at the moment is changing the names of the pubs but showing the old pictures with wrong names. There is no way I want to lose those images but I really would like to make the timeline of the pub a lot clearer.QUOTE]

    I think it's useful to be able to look back at photos of pubs under their previous name but perhaps a little confusing when those photos appear on the main page of that pub. Is there any way of keeping those photos in the archive of that pub's photos so as to suppress them from appearing as the random photo on the front page - or is that creating too much work for too little gain?
    Waes hael!

  9. #109
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    What you suggest needs doing in some capacity at some point, I would like to offer publicans the ability to take control of their pages and select the photo that is displayed. I don't think that is the solution though, and to do now would be too little gain compared to other priorities.

    I am basically trying to rewrite all the toys that make up a pub, I am part way through doing all the review code, there are a few enhancements being lined up to release on that, then I need to do the links and maps code. Once that is all done though I would like to set it up so that you can create a page that represents old versions of the pub, be this because of name change or management change. The old version will look like any other pub page, but will not show up on the maps or town pages, you will only be able to get to the old version of the pub from the current version (and search), with this working we can just attach the photos to the old version with the correct name rather than the current version. This is some way off but is the solution I have in mind.

  10. #110
    In Search of Ebriety Millay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    I have to admit for me the worst thing we are doing at the moment is changing the names of the pubs but showing the old pictures with wrong names. There is no way I want to lose those images but I really would like to make the timeline of the pub a lot clearer.
    Not sure if I've suggested this before but I've certainly thought about it. Would it be possible to show name changes on the 'page activity' link. Where we have 'photo added by' or 'map point corrected by' could we have name changed from xxxxxx to xxxxx. I think this would benefit anyone looking for an old pub in a certain area - although they'd have to know that the page existed of course. It also provides a good audit of the history of the premises.
    I've just joined Alcoholics Anonymous - I still drink, just under a different name.

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