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Not much to relate this time. I do have a lovely table, though.

As high-class beers, Pale Ales expected the best hops. At the time, that usually meant ones grown in England. Except for a couple of ones I can’t decipher, that’s what every single one is. Mostly pretty fresh, too, coming from the most recent two seasons. No American hops, which were common in cheaper styles, such as Mild Ale.

London Stock Pale Ale hops 1880 - 1899
Year Brewer Beer hops 1 hops 2 hops 3
1886 Barclay Perkins PA EK 1884 EK 1885 Worcs 1885
1892 Barclay Perkins PA MK 1890 Worcs 1891
1887 Fullers IPA HB 1886 EK 1886
1897 Fullers IPA EK 1896 ??? 1896 MK 1895
1882 Whitbread PA English 1881 English 1881
1885 Whitbread PA English 1884
1890 Whitbread PA English 1888 English 1889
1895 Whitbread PA English 1894
Barclay Perkins brewing records held at the London Metropolitan Archives, document numbers ACC/2305/1/584 and ACC/2305/1/588.
Fullers brewing records held at the brewery.
Whitbread brewing records held at the London Metropolitan Archives, document numbers LMA/4453/D/01/047, LMA/4453/D/01/051, LMA/4453/D/01/056, LMA/4453/D/01/061.
