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Thread: 24 Hour drinking to be banned ?

  1. #1
    This Space For Hire arwkrite's Avatar
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    Default 24 Hour drinking to be banned ?

    Well that was the headline yesterday.People asked me if I knew any pubs open for 24 hours. I think they may have missed the point of the legislation but you make allowances living this far out in the sticks.My town has no social or night clubs, just five straightforward pubs They open at 11 am and usually close at 11pm. Afternoon opening is standard where as before they closed and customers , if they so wished,purchased any extra from the super market. I see no more drunks toddling home than I did as a copper forty years ago, yes there are some but its no big deal.Groups of late teens /early twenties can be noisy but not overly troublesome.
    Being a solitary Grumpy Old Man I do most of my pub drinking in the afternoon and / or early evening with a similar bunch of Grumpies putting the world to rights. No trouble as long as we keep off the subject of other mens wives or bits on the side. Religion and Politics are pretty boring these days.It is an informal club that under the old licensing laws would not be available to us.
    I think far to much media attention has been on the vomit covered streets of city centers, caused by binge drinking youngsters and middle aged who should know better.The councils are closing social centres for the older ones, and selling the sites to Tesco. The pub is once again becoming a meeting place throughout the day for the pensioner, well they have to go somewhere untill some bright spark decides those over working age can be economicaly and painlessly put down.I forgot, most of you lot will have to work till you drop.

    Here starteth Arwkites Aimless Saturday Ramble off to the pub
    Last edited by arwkrite; 24-07-2010 at 10:40.

  2. #2
    This Space For Hire gillhalfpint's Avatar
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    Off to the pub is what afternoons are for.

    Agree with everything you said Arwkite. Time to get my pass out and sign off for the afternoon.

  3. #3
    Fully paid up beer belly Farway's Avatar
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    The only open 24 hour pub around here is the Ship & Castle at the Ferry Port but that is understandable for the dock workers and travelers

    Otherwise in my immediate locality it is much as Arwkrite says, but open at noon. There is a local Social Club but I am no longer a member [was too smokeyfor me back then]

    Of course there are problems around the pubs & bars in Portsmouth city centre, however I understood the police preferred all the clubs etc in one place? Then they know just where to be on hand. Many years ago there were clubs & pubs in Southsea catering for the spewing youths and matelots, now they are mainly clustered around the Guildhall area, and handy for the students as well

    I also belong to the lunchtime / afternoon crowd

  4. #4
    In Search of Ebriety Millay's Avatar
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    I think 24 hour drinking should be banned. I mean I can do an 8 hour stint quite easily and have been known to go to 12 on special occasions. I guess if pushed I could manage 14 or 15 but 24 hours is just silly
    I've just joined Alcoholics Anonymous - I still drink, just under a different name.

  5. #5
    Glass Half Full
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    It's not just 24 hour drinking that should be repealed - the licensing reform on the whole has created a joke industry, and as a licensee, I preferred having to prove myself to a magistrate rather than just being given a card in return for cash from the local council.

  6. #6
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    I've said it before and I'll say it again giving council Hitlers licensing powers was a stupid idea based on a fake premise wrapped in a lie, Result total disaster.

    24 hour drinking is a convenient hook for toilet paper like the Daily Mail* to get upset about to its ignorant readers, Nu Labour idea = end of civilisation as we know it. There aren't many places with 24 hour licenses and it's got bugger all to do with drunken youths puking and fighting in city/town centres. Who cares if it's banned? It matters as much as me breaking wind and if closing time becomes set at the same hour for everywhere again then the polis will have back the same the old problems of hordes of drunken youth falling out onto the streets at the same time, fighting each other for kebabs and taxis. Staggered closing times is a much better idea but shitferbrains journos pandering to f*ckwits ain't going to accept that. It's in the same league as "prison works" or "the cheque's in the post" or "I'll wont comemouth".

    *Come to think of it the MAIL etc are much too dirty to wipe MY very dirty arse on.
    Last edited by oldboots; 24-07-2010 at 16:37. Reason: Too much rant

  7. #7
    This Space For Hire
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    What 24 hour drinking? "24 hour drinking" is a favourite target of the tabloids and those who believe what they read in them. The nonsense spoken about 'continental cafe culture' at the time of the reforms hasn't helped matters. In fact there are a tiny number of 24 hour drinking establishments, and the vast majority of 24 hour licences are held by all night supermarkets, exactly the places where the tabloid reading masses get their cheap booze.

    The real cause of today's town centre problems was the fashion in the 1990s for councils to promote their 'night-time economy' and hand out planning consent no questions asked to any pub or bar operator that asked, producing entire strips of Litten Trees, Yates's, Walkabouts, All Bar ones, Wetherspoons, Tiger Tigers and and all the rest, and granting them semi-permanent late licences at the weekends. And it worked, moving thousands of mainly younger people into town every night who would previously used their traditional local pubs.

    Changing the licensing laws won't make a blind bit of difference to town centre problems at weekends. Getting rid of 75% of those pubs, most of which we'll never miss because we'd never dream of going in them, would make all the difference.
    Last edited by NickDavies; 24-07-2010 at 17:34.

  8. #8
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    I'm with ob, started trying to write a post, realised I didn't know enough and couldn't make eloquent enough - but that post is what I was aiming for.

  9. #9
    This Space For Hire Wittenden's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=NickDavies;16764]What 24 hour drinking? "24 hour drinking" is a favourite target of the tabloids and those who believe what they read in them. The nonsense spoken about 'continental cafe culture' at the time of the reforms hasn't helped matters.

    I know I haven't travelled much abroad, and I didn't tend to go to the costas, but I didn't go a bunndle on continental cafes. They didn't, to me at any rate, seem conducive to a pleasant session-it seemed to be more a case of one drink and out. Also, in Italy at any rate, they all seemed to shut at around 10pm. Give me a proper English pub with a traditional landlord and land lady any time!

  10. #10
    I'll stay on me own Alesonly's Avatar
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    As a shift worker that often don't Finnish work Until 01:45 am in the Morning I can not find one ordinary Pub open anywhere in North London too get a drink at around 02:00 in the morning.
    And they call this a 24 Hour city
    Don't You just hate Pubs that say
    ( We don't stock any Real Ales as theres Just no call for it.)

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