A quiet week :-

Mechanic Session Bitter 3.8%
Burton Bridge Golden Delicious 3.8%
ELB Pale 4.0%
Sambrook's Pumphouse Pale 4.2%
Loddon Citra Quad 4.4%
Reunion Mosaic 4.5%
ELB Nightwatchman 4.5%
Goddard's Fuggle Dee Dum 4.8%
Sambrook's Powerhouse Porter 4.9%
Snowdon Craft Summit 5.2%
Brewdog Punk IPA (keg) 5.4%
Mechanic Orange Candy IPA 5.4%

Actually the Punk IPA was probably as good as any of these.
I feel I ought to mention the Mechanic beers which I had never seen before. The session bitter was an old school low abv pale that I found completely uninspiring. It was also hazy which I assume means it was unfined. Why???
The Orange Candy IPA was also cloudy but not a sludge and was more interesting. It was a bit orange squash like and in no way outstanding but I would try it again. The winner is from a brewer that has been hit and miss for me but the Reunion Mosaic (£2.19 in the George JDW) seemed as good as similar offerings from other brewers.

BOTW Reunion Mosaic