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Thread: For list tickers with a copy of the good beer guide

  1. #1
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Default For list tickers with a copy of the good beer guide

    In the same way we have started marking up Cask Marque pubs I am thinking we should probably indicate that a pub is listed in the GBG (and what year, so we could set up historical).

    Would anyone be interested if we gave them the ability to in going through pubs and tagging them as listed in the GBG.

    Also does anyone know of any issues related to us doing this?

    There is the potential for us to make these things searchable, again does anyone know of any issues related to it being searchable?

  2. #2
    Fully paid up beer belly Farway's Avatar
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    Seems a good idea to me, not sure of "issues", as CAMRA gain an income from this, and have a chargeable search facility on the move I "think" they may not like it too much if it was freely searchable via PuG, web phones etc

    No doubt if a publican made an entry "we are in GBG 2010" then I guess that would be normal comment

    I suppose the easy option would be ask GBG?

  3. #3
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    I suspect I know the answer with regards to asking the GBG, although if anyone knows someone involved that might make it more viable.

  4. #4
    Old & Bitter oldboots's Avatar
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    CAMRA are definitely very against anything that easily identifies GBG pubs because of the income thing, being able to search for all the GBG pubs in a town or county would give them apoplexy, they may even call in m'learned friends for breach of copyright. It has been said, either in What's Brewing or on the Members Forum that you can indicate it's GBG listed but not produce lists of pubs that are in it. Don't know how you would stand with historical data.

  5. #5
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    I come back to my observation of what good is an award you are not allowed to promote? Cask Marque needed a little hassling to give us their list of pubs, but I got the impression that was more to do with work overload than any reticence, and they are suggesting they will be happy to give us updates.

    Anyway any feedback welcomed here, I would love to provide any level of service we can. Even if it is just showing historical GBG pubs without search rather than this years (we could link into CAMRA's GBG page to try and get them sales).

    Also clearly if anyone has a good contact in GBG/CAMRA that we can chat with to see if there is a way we can do it to promote their guide then do let me know so I can take advantage of your contacts .

  6. #6
    Pub researcher (unpaid) rpadam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    I come back to my observation of what good is an award you are not allowed to promote? Cask Marque needed a little hassling to give us their list of pubs, but I got the impression that was more to do with work overload than any reticence, and they are suggesting they will be happy to give us updates.

    Anyway any feedback welcomed here, I would love to provide any level of service we can. Even if it is just showing historical GBG pubs without search rather than this years (we could link into CAMRA's GBG page to try and get them sales).

    Also clearly if anyone has a good contact in GBG/CAMRA that we can chat with to see if there is a way we can do it to promote their guide then do let me know so I can take advantage of your contacts .
    Unfortunately, I would be very surprised if you get any cooperation at all from CAMRA on this issue... and I seem to recall that they have almost been on the point of taking legal action against some their own branches for publishing local lists of GBG pubs on their websites!

    However, if somebody were to state that pub 'A' is GBG-listed then this is just a statement of fact. Same for pubs 'B', 'C' and 'D', but what if you go all the way through the book to pub 'Z'?

    From the discussions I heard at the 2009 AGM, CAMRA branch guides mentioning a GBG listing in individual pub descriptions didn't seem to be an issue, but presenting a full list was what was considered to be the major 'crime'.

    Clearly pubs are free (in fact, probably tacitly encouraged) to mention a GBG listing in their own advertising. The position with a printed or online guide which added "GBG 2010 listed" to the description of each pub, but which didn't present this information as a list, may be something for lawyers...

  7. #7
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    Every time I seem to end up having to think about CAMRA as an entity rather than the branches it just seems to turn into a headache, oh well. I live in hope that we will get into a decent relationship with them one day.

    I am guessing it all comes down to phrasing since their trademark will exist on Good Beer Guide, so something along the lines of listed in Good Beer Guide XXXX is probably fine as it in now way passes you off as the GBG. Undoubtedly as OB says even that would end up with our learned friends involved which is more grief than we are in a position to cope with.

    I am taking it from this that if it could be worked people would want it.

  8. #8
    Pub researcher (unpaid) rpadam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
    I am taking it from this that if it could be worked people would want it.
    Well, I would certainly welcome it.

  9. #9


    I suggested this as a development of the local CAMRA site (still not built but discussion regular). It would appear listing all the pubs in the GBG for the region would be highly inappropriate - along the ideas of you have to buy the GBG to find a list of all the pubs in the region in it.

    Perhaps this is the first piece of marketing Pug could do - allow pubs to pay for the privilege of 'advertising' their awards. If every pub in a region got a line to describe their pub (for a price) and decided to use it to say they were in the GBG then I doubt much could be done - we advertise it all the time and quite frankly I think we're advertising the GBG by mentioning it in our adverts. A discussion for later perhaps.

    From a customer's point of view I'd suggest you stay friendly with CAMRA. If they catch up and want in on the internet pub thing (whatever that may be) then being in their good books can only help IMO...
    *insert something clever/humorous/interesting here*

  10. #10
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
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    So Ed, you are basically saying that CAMRA are giving me a good excuse to charge pub owners - when you put it like that I can see how they provide a valuable service.

    I still think the guide should be a supplement with their reviews and observations, but the GBG list should be promoted as hard as possible to try and sell the supplement. Can you imagine things like Michelin ratings not being fully published in anything apart from the Michelin guide.

    Ah well realistically it is less work for me, it just irks for so many reasons, why is a campaign group so keen on keeping its data contained to make money on a guide? Have I misunderstood about the fact that campaigns should be promoted

    Sorry too hot in the office today.

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