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Thread: Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Hops and Glory: Officially back on sale today!

  1. #1
    Automated Tracker
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    Default Pete Brown's Beer Blog - Hops and Glory: Officially back on sale today!

    Visit the Pete Brown's Beer Blog site

    Hope you haven't minded this week of relentless self-promotion too much, but this is the final post in the series: today is both the first day of Stokey Lit Fest, and the official launch day of the Beer Trilogy in newly jacketed, beautifully produced paperbacks.

    So far I've discussed the revisions to Man Walks into a Pub and tried to offer a reappraisal of Three Sheets to the Wind. So what can I tell you about Hops and Glory?

    If you're a regular reader, probably not much more than you already know. There are no changes to the text (apart from a few name spelling corrections and sorting out the sequencing of some footnotes).

    But in its own way, this is the most exciting release of the lot.

    Hops and Glory was the first book of mine to be released in hardback. This was a big status thing for me. But the thing is, a lot of people don't like hardbacks. They're big and heavy and expensive, and I know a lot of people have very weak wrists. So today is an exciting day for you! The paperback edition is MUCH cheaper, MUCH lighter and MUCH smaller! It's way better for reading on the beach, in the bath, in bed, on the bus - in fact, anywhere!

    The paperback edition of Hops and Glory - you know it makes sense!

    I'll be signing copies of all three of the Beer Trilogy at Stoke Newington Literary Festival this weekend.


  2. #2
    I'll stay on me own Andy Ven's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Black Country


    I read it on holiday recently and I enjoyed both the travel and history aspects (your poor wife - she must really love you!)

    I've added your other books to my Amazon wish list for future holidays - I've still got some Dave Gorman, Danny Wallace, Bill Bryson and Stuart Maconie to get through first though
    Waes hael!

  3. #3
    Former Pubs Galore Coder
    Join Date
    Nov 2006



    Would be worth dropping that as a comment on Pete Browns blog through the links. Sadly I don't think he is reading us yet.

    I need to work out how to make it clearer about the comments though.

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